Thirty One

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My heart jumped in my throat the second I realized he was coming for me, and by the look of both shock and anger on his face, I took that as my cue to get the hell out of here.

My entire body began to tremble as I pressed the palm of my hand against the counter and used that to push myself off the bar stool, speed walking through the pool tables and chairs that were blocking my path.

I made eye contact with Harry as I kept moving through the room, feeling my heart jump in my throat as he grew closer within every second.

The second I took a run for it he beat me to the door, causing a gasp to fall off my lips as he blocked my path.

"Athena- what the actual f*** are you doing in here?" He growled his whisper as he tried not to make a scene.

"Get away from me you bastard!" I hissed before I elbowed him in the stomach and ran the opposite way.

He quickly recovered from my attack before he chased me down and grabbed me by the elbow, pulling me back to him with much force.

"You're dumb if you think you're escaping from me right now." Harry growled in my ear as he pulled me away from the customers that were staring.

As soon as we reached a more private corner of the room, Harry pressed me against the wall, trapping me with one arm while the other hand pressed against my hip.

"Explain this. Now." He demanded as his daring eyes locked with mine.


"How the f*** did you get out of the hotel room?" He interrupted madly.

"That place is like a million years old. It wasn't hard." I chuckled before he grabbed the collar of my shirt, pulling me closer.

"Not if Zayn was there. How did you escape him?" Harry hissed as his eyes grew darker.

I swallowed before I responded. "You left me with Zayn. That was your first mistake. Don't you remember he tries to sexualize me every time he gets me alone? That guy has some serious issues! Why did you leave me with him!" I barked as Harry looked at me sharply.

"Did he try something?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"What do you think! You really think I go out looking like this?" I raised my voice as I pointed at myself.

Harry took this moment to glance down at me from head to toe, suddenly taking in what I was currently wearing.

"Athena! You can't be running around looking like this! Are you sh*tting me!" Harry hissed as he released the collar of my shirt to make it look longer.

He then moved closer to me, shielding me from everyone else in the room so that I could stay covered.

"My god you look like a whore." He commented as he eyed me.

"Gee thanks. I was only trying to escape from your psycho friend." I rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms.

"What did you do this time?" He asked as his eyes bore into mine.

"Oh me? No you mean him. He was just about to take off my underwear but I thankfully escaped just in time and that's how I ended up here." I huffed as he didn't look like he was believing my story.

"And what exactly were you planning to do with that bartender you were talking with?" He asked as I swallowed tightly.

"As sad and pathetic as your story is, I don't trust your motives. If I wasn't here, you would of been gone. And I don't mean rescued by the bartender. Any one of these smucks sitting in this room would of taken you home and abuse you in ways I never did. I don't know why you keep trusting in strangers Athena. No one's ever going to help you." He stated as my stomach turned into knots.

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