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The car ride was pretty quiet on our way back to Harry's house, considering the intense interaction we just had with another Violet King. I've never been in the VK's territory nor have I ever interacted with one. My brothers always protected me from that area and made it their goal to never let me get close to one.

They knew how ruthless and unforgiving they were, and now I was finally able to see it for myself and understand it. Ranger was ready to shoot me without a second thought just because I was a stranger. They don't care who you are, they just want you dead- far away from whatever secrets or material possessions they're hiding.

I've never been more terrified in my life, having being threatened like that. I know I was in that exact same situation with Harry, but this one felt different. Ranger didn't give one hell who I was, and I bet my offer wouldn't have worked on him if the roles were switched. He would of shot my brains out.

So then what makes Harry different? His whole gang wanted me dead except for him. What is it about Harry that made him want to spare me? Was my offer really that valuable to him? Did it really mean way more to him than own his ruthless reputation?

Harry glanced over at me briefly, causing my heart to beat a little faster than normal as I pretended I didn't even notice. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and looked out the window, trying to occupy my mind with something else.

He looked over at me again as we shared the silence comfortably, making me wonder why he kept staring at me. Was he concerned about me? Was he wondering how I was doing after that encounter?

Nonsense, he's heartless and he doesn't even care. Why am I overthinking it?

"That guy..... Ranger." I tired to stir a conversation to get my mind off of the fact that Harry was glancing over at me every other minute. I didn't know why he kept looking at me but it made me uncomfortable and quite annoyed.

"Oh don't worry about him." Harry responded almost immediately, as if he was glad I broke the silence.

"I'm not worried about him." I said softly as I looked out the window again.

"He's..... a tough one to get along with, very rough on the edges as well as on the inside, and quite... insane." Harry tried to explain as I remembered the moment when Ranger became vulnerable. It was the moment he said it was possible to fall for a pretty face.

But the way he said it was different. It wasn't just any face, it was an enemie's face. Someone you're not suppose to fall for.

"No.... He's in pain."  I spoke barely above a whisper as Harry glanced over at me with confusion.

"What?" He asked as he continued to drive.

"He comes off as protective and aggressive, but it's just an act. It's a shield." I answered him as I started to analyze Ranger more.

"You don't know what you're talking about. You don't even know the guy. He's a part of my gang don't forget." Harry defended as I chuckled to myself, feeling bad that he had no idea.

"He's in pain Harry how could you not see that?" I asked as I glanced over at him.

"He put a gun to your head without hesitation. How was he in pain?" Harry stated as I looked ahead of me.

"You didn't catch it?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Catch what?" He asked, growing impatient.

"He lost something.... or someone. Whatever it was, it hurt him greatly and he's been suffering about it ever since." I mentioned as he laughed.

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