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"Tell us what you know, and use your damn words." Harry hissed as he shoved me to the floor, not caring about my physical well-being while the others circled around me. What a nice way to wake up. I thought to myself as I was on my hands and knees, staring at the grey carpet underneath me.

"Oh my words? Damn I was really hoping I could teach you all sign language since we have all the time in the world." I spoke sarcastically as I sat on my ankles before Harry slapped me hard across the face.

"Don't smart mouth me Athena. Tell me what you know or I'll blow your f***ing brains out." He sounded furious as he towered over me, causing my body to tremble slightly from fear.

Even though I acted like I wasn't afraid to die or that I didn't care that my nemesis kidnapped me, I was actually terribly afraid on the inside.

I don't know these guys nor can I predict their actions, and that thought scared the crap out of me.

I sighed as I looked up at him while narrowing my eyebrows, trying to hide the pain I was feeling on my left cheek before I swallowed hard.

"Well I can't tell you absolutely everything at once. You could just kill me right after. So I'll make you a deal. If I take you to a new spot or give you a few codes whenever you need me to, you'll spare my life for another week. If you can be confident that you'll get something out of me, I need to be confident I can get something out of you." I offered my negotiation as Harry narrowed his eyes at me.

"We don't owe you anything you little rat. If anything, we're already doing you a favor by keeping your petty little ass alive." Zayn sneered as I looked over at him and clenched my jaw.

"I'm sorry, I'm not talking to the pawn here, I'm talking to the boss. So scurry on little peasant." I mocked as he flared his nostrils.

"What did you just call me you little-" Zayn tried to grab me but Harry quickly stopped him with his hand.

"Zayn, drop it for now, I need her to start spilling some information before we waste anymore time." Harry announced as I sat back and got comfortable.

"I think my offer seems fair. You can't trust me, I can't trust you. But we both got something to offer don't we?" I said as Harry stared deep into my eyes.

"Zayn's right, we don't owe you anything. I can choose to kill you at any moment I please." Harry started as I smirked.

"Then why am I here again?" I asked cleverly before he sighed.

"Fine. You got yourself a deal. Can't believe I'm negotiating with a freaking Bishop." Harry sighed as I nodded my head.

"Cool. That way we both get what we want. And I'll be less of a pain to you all if you treat me like a lady." I spoke causally as I stood myself up and brushed my shorts before walking towards the kitchen.

"Whoa whoa, this isn't how this works shorty. You don't just get to walk around like you own the place. We're not friends, we're not even acquaintances, you're the enemy. So we'll treat you however we want to." Niall said as he pushed me back in the circle.

"Shorty?" I took offense as I made a face.

"He's right. You're below us not beside us. So start talking or my gun will put a pretty little bullet in your thigh." Harry threatened as I felt shivers go down my spine.

"Okay.... what do you want to know first?" I surrendered as I looked up at him.

"The prints to the East side Bank." Harry responded seriously.

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