Fifty Two

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2 weeks later:

"Out of all days you had to crave an ice cream." Zayn sighed as we hopped out of the car and made our way into the grocery store.

"What? It's a hot day today and plus, you were willing to come with me so that means you wanted one yourself." I backfired as he glanced around the room briefly.

"No. I came here because I'm on baby sitting duty and boss says I have to go with you every time you leave the house when he can't." Zayn dead panned as I chuckled.

"You know this is the first time I've been out of the house. Ice cream was the most convincing thing I could come up with." I grinned as he shot me a look.

"You sly piece of sh*t." He commented as I laughed.

"Well played kid." He shook his head just before a slight smile appeared on his lips.

"You know I'm not that far in age from you." I stated as I held my chin high.

"I called it baby sitting for a reason." He replied as I gasped.

"Whatever, I'm growing on you and you're too afraid to admit it." I nudged his shoulder as he huffed.

"No your not. And keep your distance before I spank you." He spoke seriously as I grinned from ear to ear.

"Whatever you say big guy." I patted his shoulder before we made it to the frozen section.

"Oh my god I've been craving strawberry ice cream for days now!" I gasped as I opened the fridge and pulled out a pint.

"You're telling me we came all this way for strawberry ice cream? What are you a psychopath?" He raised an eyebrow as I laughed and cradled the pint.

"Listen it's a basic delight. Don't knock it till you try it." I pointed out as he shook his head.

He's probably rolling his eyes in disapproval but I can't tell since he's hiding behind thick shades.

"Whatever, let's get some crisps while we're at it." He mumbled as he walked towards the snack aisle.

"See I knew you were hungry!" I pointed my finger in the air as I followed along.

"Not hungry- just bored." He dead panned as he briefly scanned the aisle.

"Of your job?" I pressed.

"Of you." His words were quick and to the point as he grabbed a bag of Doritos.

"And you were calling me basic." I mumbled under my breath before he punched me in the arm.

"Ow!" I groaned as I rubbed my now bruising arm.

"Told you to watch it." He commented before he began smirking.

"I'm gonna tell Harry you hurt me." I whined as I followed him to the cashier.

"You keep forgetting I don't care." He sighed as he paid for our items.

"Well don't come crying to me later when he chews you out for it." I teased as we exited out of the store.

"Yeah yeah." He breathed as he unlocked the car.
Suddenly a massive explosion erupted the entire back side of the store, causing both Zayn and I to flinch and duck down in sync.

"What the hell." I breathed as my heart began racing a million miles an hour.

Zayn looked up at the now caving roof and took a step back as it started to dissolve into flames.
As we stood there in awestruck, people started screaming from the inside of the building, causing my eyes to grow wide as I realized there were civilians still in there.

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