Fifty Three

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Nerves welcomed themselves inside my body as I stared at the scene before me, not knowing if I was either going to throw up or cry. It hurt to see them like this. But it hurt even more to know my brother was the cause of it.

How could he be so evil? So vile? How could he allow this to happen? How far is my brother going to go to get back at me for leaving him and the Bishops?

Harry looked deep into my eyes as he panted against the gag, sitting on his knees with his arms tied behind his back.

I could tell he put up a long fight due to the tiredness in his eyes and the way his muscles clenched every other second. He was exhausted as well as the others, but a look of defeat was no where near them. They refused to back down or submit. They would never go down without giving it their all.

And I was their last hope. Was I capable of saving them and getting them out of here? There was no way I could save all of them against my brother and Lino. Ranger was my only hope of getting everyone out of here alive.

"You know I came here hoping I'd find you, but I was a little bit disappointed once I realized you were no where to be found." Blake started as my stomach turned.

"I thought for a second maybe.... I was wrong. That you didn't come and live with my rivalry and you decided to live on your own. But once I saw your f**king clothes and personal items in one of the rooms- I knew you were still a selfish little b*tch." He seethed as I flinched.

"What are the chances... that my little sister runs away from her home, the only place she's ever known, and decides to live with our greatest rivalry known to man. The very people who killed my own brothers." Blake sounded beyond mad as he looked at me with those crazy eyes.

"But it gets better. She refuses to continue her assignment from her own father, and decides to make her own rules. And to top it off, she finds a romantic relationship along the way with the one and only Harry Styles! The man who ruined our f**king lives." He spoke through gritted teeth as I flinched.

"Not only that. Our favorite doctor is dead because of her." He mentioned as I swallowed tightly.

"Yeah. I found out about that." His voice was so deep it sent chills down my spine.

I've never seen my brother look so angry before. This was honestly terrifying to a new extent.

"You really disappointed me this time Athena. Your behavior disgusts me. To think I was willing to give you a second chance and protect you from the ones that wanted to kill you." He shook his head as his eyes never left mine.

"I'm going to make your life a living hell. Starting with torturing the people you seem to love more than me." He said as my eyes grew wide.

"No!" I interrupted as I lunged forward but Lino's stupid guard pulled me back and held me in a tight position.

"I'm done letting you do whatever you think is right Athena. You're going to watch me kill off every single one of these assholes, and then, I'm going to make you burn their bodies and destroy
every single trace of their existence." He spat as tears began forming in my eyes.

"No! I won't let you do that to them!" I cried out as I tried to push this giant off of me.

"How exactly do you plan on stopping me?" He raised an eyebrow as Lino stayed quiet.

Blake then bent down before he grabbed Harry by the shirt, lifting him up to his height as I struggled in the man's iron like grip.

"No! Let him go!" I screamed as Blake narrowed his eyes at Harry.

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