Thirty Eight

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No amount of time would of prepared me for the pain I was feeling as I rolled down a small hill with Harry attached to me. Not even the adrenaline that was soaring through my veins could shield the branches and rocks piercing into my skin.

Everything was painful, but it was better than getting murdered on a train.

As soon as gravity decided to give us a break, I rolled on my side and laid there for a solid fifteen seconds, giving my bones the time to recover.

The sounds of the train moving in the distance caused me to sit up and look down at Harry, feeling sorry for him as I saw blood stain his pants.

Before I could think, I instantly tore off a piece of my shirt, wrapping it around his thigh and sealing the wound shut, causing him to groan aloud.

"Sh*t!" He cursed under his breath as he closed his eyes in agony.

"I'm sorry but I need to do this." I reminded him as I tucked my hair behind my ear.

"No it's fine. I'm use to it." He waved off as he sat up.

"It's just the jump that f***ing hurt." He groaned as he looked down at his wound.

"Yeah that was... a nightmare." I sighed as I placed my hands on my thighs while I sat on my ankles.

"We need to follow the train tracks... find the nearest stop and meet up with the boys." Harry grunted as he sat himself up.

"We- we can't walk that far. You're bleeding. It could get worse." I stated as my eyes grew wide.

"Do you expect a helicopter to come and rescue us? I'm fine Athena. I can walk." Harry said as I swallowed.

"It's going to take a lifetime to get to the next stop." I sighed as he attempted to stand.

"We weren't that far from it. I checked before the chaos happened." Harry breathed as he grabbed onto the nearest tree.

"You can ask for my help you know." I mentioned as I grabbed onto him.

"I don't need your help." He mumbled as he knitted his eyebrows together.

"Harry you're going to loose a lot of blood on this walk. I'm not sure you're going to make it." I spoke before biting my lip anxiously.

"What are you concluding?" He questioned as he looked down at me.

"The more pressure you put, the worse shape you'll be in. And there's no way in hell I can carry you the whole way there. I don't know how you're going to make it that far without bleeding out." I responded as he kept his features strong.

"You saying I'm going to die here?" He seemed amused by my response.

"I don't want you to." I unconsciously spoke out.

"Yeah. Sure Bishop. You've been wanting me dead since the moment I captured you." Harry chuckled to himself before he leaned against the tree.

"Not like this." I said with sadness in my eyes.

He narrowed his eyebrows as he looked down at me, still towering over me despite him leaning down on one hip.

"What do you mean- not like this?" He spoke quieter as he stared at me intently.

I swallowed as I looked down at his chest, noticing how he was breathing harder. Probably because of the pain he was dealing with.

"I mean... you did all you could to save me from those Italian assholes." I mentioned as I picked at his shirt.

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