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After I fixed myself a light meal of an avocado turkey sandwich, I ate the entire thing slowly, knowing I needed to savor it since Harry already seemed like he didn't care for my wellbeing. I pictured them starving me on a daily basis, not keeping up with my hunger and letting my body crumble slowly yet surely. I'm sure they prefer me to be a weakling instead of a strong fit girl who can handle herself. But whatever they decide, I'm gonna try my best to take care of myself because I'm gonna need all the strength I can get.

Moments after I finished I was drowning in pure boredom since all the guys stayed up occupying themselves with things they normally do on a daily basis. Whereas I was out of my comfort zone, far away from my home and my basic routine. So I had to wait around for hours, desperately hoping one of them would be tired enough to the point where they'd even allow me to sleep.

I was assuming Harry was going to let me sleep with him, so I spent my time staring at him intensely, hoping the hours on the clock would tick faster. It was already 12:04 am, making me feel like I was at a high school party where all the underaged kids refused to go to bed and chose to stay up for as long as their bodies allowed them to. I didn't understand why they were up this late, considering the fact that they were much older than me and I was already drained.

I just wanted to sleep already, mainly because I had such a drastic day and I was tired of replaying it in my head. I just wanted to sleep all the pain away and forget everything that happened. If only Harry would take a freaking hint that I wanted to get some rest in my body. I wasn't allowed to go anywhere in the house on my own so it wasn't like I could just sleep on his bed if I wanted to. And sleeping on the couch didn't seem like a good option either. One of them could kill me in my sleep.

Quite frankly, so could Harry. If, you know, he wanted to.

"Look, I get that you have your own thing going on. But can you just show me your room so that I can sleep? I can't stand being awake for another minute." I spoke up as I approached Harry who was doing some computer work in the living room.

"No. Go sit down." He responded sternly as I narrowed my eyebrows at him.

"What is your problem? I just want to get some sleep." I scoffed as he moved his index finger over the mouse.

"I don't trust you. You'll somehow manage to escape." Harry commented as I crossed my arms.

"Look, as much as I'd like that, all I want right now is a decent eight hours of sleep." I sassed before he looked up at me.

"You're just a spoiled little princess aren't you?" He asked in a very sarcastic tone as a grin appeared on his lips.

I didn't know how to respond to that as I widened my eyes slightly at him. "You're use to always getting what you want. Probably cuz you were the only girl lurking around in the house." Harry declared as I swallowed.

"Please, it's twelve in the morning.... I think we both need some rest. It's been a long day. I don't want to have an argument right now." I sighed as I unfolded my arms and slouched.

He eyed me up and down as he fiddled with his thumb and index finger, debating on what I just said. "Only because I lost track of time. Otherwise... I wouldn't have cared." Harry breathed as he closed his laptop and stood himself up, already towering over my body.

"Let's go. Room's this way." He spoke coldly as he gripped my elbow and pulled me along with him, disappearing into the hallway with me by his side.

He then opened a door before he tugged me inside, closing it shortly after as I glanced around his small room. He really didn't have much compared to me, all he had were a few weapons laying around along with a bed by the corner and a few drawers.

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