04 tests

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not sure if I mentioned this earlier but italics are thoughts

It was the day of the interviews, where the palace was preparing for the applicants to come in. Felix was helping his mother prepare for certain tests and such, for the potential workers. Changbin was commanding orders to his troops, telling them where to be stationed in case some imbecile decides to attack the royal family. Jisung is currently trying to get out of Minho's grasp, as he failed to wake the eldest prince up. And for the heir to the throne, he's currently still sound asleep as Chan had tried numerous ways to wake him up.

"I'm not even appointed as his servant and yet, here I am doing a servant's work. I should get a raise for not killing this dumb sh-" Chan grumbled under his breath but was cut off as a pillow was thrown at him.

"I'm not dumb, I just don't care enough to retain information. I have better things to remember than all of those annoyingly long, hard to pronounce words." Hyunjin said as he stretched his arms in his bed. "Also, you can't kill me if you wanted to, so sorry, not sorry."

Chan went to pick up the pillow off the ground and fling it back at Hyunjin who successfully dodged. "We have interviews to get through today and you need to be present in the opening ceremony in half an hour."

"What interviews? Opening ceremony? Why do we need a ceremony?" Hyunjin asked as he got off his bed and went into his walk-in closet with Chan following close behind.

"I told you this yesterday. Why can't you listen." Chan sighed in annoyance. "We have nearly half of the kingdom coming to the palace today. To take part in the interviews, where we are filling the empty slots of the-"

"I'm good." Hyunjin stopped Chan from continuing.

"Excuse me?"

"I rather go back to sleep than do some opening speech to people whom I'm never even going to acknowledge."

"It's not an option. You need to be out these doors in twenty minutes to welcome your possibly new workers. It's called mannerism Hyunjin."

"Well, I have some shocking news for you hyung. I don't have-"

"Hwang Hyunjin! I raised you better than that. Go greet your people or I'm disowning you." A voice can be heard from outside of the closet.

Both Chan and Hyunjin exited the closet and were met with Minho. Who was leaning against one of the walls with his phone on speaker, while Jisung was standing beside him.

"Mother?" Hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows as he walked up to Minho.

"Why was that a question?! Of course, it's your mother you nitwit!" The queen nagged Hyunjin over the phone. "You better get ready and greet your subjects or I'll be the one who's going to fire you!"

You could hear some rustling right after the queen spoke. "Honey you that's not how it works." You could hear the king speak. "Minho make sure that Hyunjin does that speech, I need to calm down your mother. Have fun you two and don't set the kingdom on fire, bye!" And with that, the line ended.

Minho then placed his phone back in his pockets. "You heard the man, chop-chop, go get ready."

Hyunjin just groaned and shoved everyone out of his room. "Give me ten minutes and I'll meet you all at the front gates."

Seungmin was currently being dragged by Jeongin, where the two were making their way to the palace gates.

"Innie slow down, we're not going to miss anything important." Sengmin huffed as he tried to keep up with the younger.

Jeongin clicked his tongue and continued to drag Seungmin. "We're going to miss the opening ceremony and I rather not miss that!"

my prince // seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now