17 terrified

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i have no idea what I was writing in this chapter tbh, my fingers were just typing whatever it wanted too before I could even register what I wrote so um.. enjoy?

"Where have you three been?! Do you know what time it is?! It's past the kid's bedtime and past dinner!" Chan nagged as he rushed out of the palace doors when he saw his car pull up. "And why are you all soaking wet?!"

"Could you nag any louder?" Hyunjin sarcastically asked as he went to the back seat of the car to carry Hyunsul, who was dead asleep.

Chan saw the sleeping child sleep and immediately slapped his mouth. "You should have told me that Hyunsul was asleep!" Chan whispered, yelled but then his eyes started to bulge out when he saw Seungmin walk around the car. "Whoa, wait a damn minute-"

"Chan are you okay? Your eyes are sticking out at a quite alarming length." Seungmin yawned as he noticed Chan's weird expression.

Is Seungmin wearing Hyunjin's hoodie?! His favorite one?! Chan blinked a couple of times and furiously turned to Hyunjin and mouthed, "You better give me all of the details when we're alone or you're dead."

Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "There are some bags in the trunk, could you bring those up to Seungmin's room. While I put Hyunsul to bed."

"This is all for Seungmin?!" Chan's jaw dropped when he saw the mountain of bags in the trunk.

"You're so noisy." Hyunjin annoyingly sighed. "And not all of it is his, some of mine and Hyunsul's are in those. But it's late to be sorting everything out. Besides most of it is his so he'll just put aside whatever isn't his when he goes through those bags, and I'll have you grab them for me. Now stop complaining and get on with it already!"

Chan mockingly mimicked Hyunjin as he started to grab the bags in the back of the car. "Oh, before you head inside, you have some paperwork to go through and sign. It's on your desk so make sure to go through those by tonight."

"Couldn't those wait until tomorrow? I'm too tired to do it and I just want to take a nice bath and sleep." Hyunjin whined.

"You can go over those documents while taking a bath," Seungmin suggested. "I'll go and grab the papers and run your bath while you put Hyunsul to bed. That should be enough time to run the bath and get it ready. When you're done signing off the papers, I can quickly hand them over to Chan before the sun rises."

"That's not a bad idea," Chan nodded his head, agreeing with Seungmin's idea. "Those papers are waterproof anyways, yea let's do it!."

Seungmin nodded as he dashed into the palace to get everything prepared. Chan also followed behind with a handful of bags in his hands. While Hyunjin still stood there with the little star in his arms, flustered. Do I not get a say in any of this? I just want to sleep. Hyunjin started to plot ideas to avoid working by any means possible.

"Finally! That wraps up today's work!" Hyunjin cheered as toss the papers in the air, making them flutter down, heading into the bathtub. "I'm free!"

Seungmin gasped, "My prince!" He quickly ran to retrieve the papers in the air before they fell into the tub. "Just because it's waterproof, Chan had explicitly warned you to not get it...." Seungmin trailed off his last words as he noticed how close he is to Hyunjin. "Wet."

"But, I knew if I threw it like that, you would rush to retrieve it." Hyunjin gave Seungmin a scheming smile. "How do I look from there?"

Seungmin nervously gulped, "And why would you want me to do that?"

"So I can get a closer look at you," Hyunjin smirked as he slid his slender flingers towards Seungmin's chin, pulling him even closer. He teasingly bit the corner of his lips and then licked his lips. "You know, you're really pretty? Has anyone told you that?"

my prince // seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now