33 nightmares

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a short chapter with a lot to unpack (this was meant to be posted yesterday but i was busy..)

Jolting awake from his nightmares, Hyunjin gripped his shirt, trying to calm down his breath.

"It's just a dream, a nightmare," He kept repeating it to himself. "It's not real, you have nothing to worry about."

Turning to the clock on the bedside table, it read "4:00 a.m.". Reluctantly getting up, the King made his way to the bathroom to freshen up. Opening the bathroom doors, he failed to notice the sleeping male in the bathroom. It was only after he headed to turn on the showers when he realized the injured body in the bathroom.

Screaming, Hyunjin jumped back. "What the FUCK?!" Standing still in his spot for another minute or so, he inspected the male's clothing. "Isn't that the guy I danced with?" Moving up to his face, Hyunjin's body froze. He wasn't aware of how long he was staring until the sleeping male was stirring in his sleep, leading up to slowly opening his eyes.

"Argh," Was the first thing the bleeding male said. "Where am- right, my bathroom," The male blinked his eyes a few more times for his vision to clear up, looking around the room he finally spotted Hyunjin.

Breath hitched, Hyunjin slowly opened his mouth to speak but before the said male could utter a word, Seungmin beat him to it. "Get out."


"I said get out."

"No, Seung-"


Shocked wasn't the word to describe what Hyunjin was feeling right now. He didn't know whether he was angry, mad, upset, happy, or stunned. He was feeling too many emotions, to the point where his body didn't know how to portray them. So tears were the only action he was able to portray.

"What the hell, Seungmin," Hyunjin whispered enough for the two to hear. "I haven't seen you for four years and the first thing you tell me is to 'get the fuck out? Did you know how much I missed you?" Hyunjin's voice wavered. "Any chance I get, I always go into town searching for you. When I'm not keeping my mind busy, I always think about you. Memories of us flashback in my mind every time I pass somewhere meaningful to us. So, why the hell are you telling me to get the fuck out?!" You could hear how broken Hyunjin was in his scream.

"I waited for you. I left you belongings as it is, in case you ever come back." Hyunjin continued. "I restrained myself from ordering a worldwide manhunt to look for you. Every single day I have to convince myself that you're alive and not dead. On other days I have to console Hyunsul because of how much he misses you! After the day you left and onwards I had to witness how much the people in this palace changed! I had to witness how gloomy this place had become! Why?! It's because of one person and that's you! And all you had to say to me, after four years of finally meeting each other was to get lost?! Was I that bad of a memory for you?"

"A bad memory is an understatement." Seungmin looked his past lover dead in the eyes. "No one told you to mope over someone who isn't in your life anymore. No one told you to wait for me. No one demanded you to go out and look for me in your free time. Why would you try to look for someone who clearly doesn't want to be found? Fucking idiot." Seungmin scoffed. "And don't say that it's because you love me or feel guilty of something. That's not a good excuse."

"You speak about these memories of 'us'. I never recall such memories. You're the one who held onto them like they meant something. To me, it was just work. So I have no idea what you're babbling about. If you're referring to the things we did after we started dating, get a reality check." He spat. "We didn't date for long and yet you're so hung up on such tiny details. Grow the fuck up Hyunjin, oh sorry, where are my formalities? King Hwang."

Hyunjin wanted to scream his lungs out, cry until he couldn't cry any longer, punch the marble tiles until he couldn't feel his hands anymore, just anything that could distract his mind from the way his heartaches. It felt like he was choking, the feelings where you're breathing just fine, and yet, you're still gasping for air. Hyunjin was hyperventilating. He was struggling to stand up as his eyes started to blur with the tears forming at the end of his eyes. When both of them made eye contact, Seungmin couldn't help but roll his eyes as he got up.

"Don't start pulling this fact on me right now, I'm not buying it." Seungmin made his way towards the bathroom doors. "But if this is real and you're not acting, I hope someone finds you soon, au revior." And with that, he left Hyunjin gasping for air.

"Please...don't..go-" Hyunjin said very faintly as he could feel his body becoming light. Without knowing it, he collapses.

yea, I woke up and chose violence :) give me a free pass though, it was my special day yesterday. hehe, oh, I know how much y'all want the next chapter ASAP, well too bad. You all are gonna have to wait until next week hehe. you're going to hate me now but you all are still gonna love me in the end.


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