41 special chapter [5]

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merry xmas/happy holidays!
This isn't edited/proof read so feel free to point any mistakes out
(5000 words: enjojy!)

Within the ballroom, two boys stood at the center. Clashing metals echoes throughout the grand room. Followed by a whip of air as their sword dance, just to be abruptly stopped as it gets swung down by its holder. One clash after another, the boys are panting heavily but none of them falters.

Gripping the hilt of his sword, Hyunsul gritted his teeth. An hour flew by, and he was still sparring with his bodyguard. He could hear his body screaming to stop, but he wouldn't surrender. How is he not tired yet?! The Prince felt enraged that even after an hour of dueling, Sungho barely dropped a sweat. He lunged toward the male and swung his sword. Only to be stopped by Sungho, who deflected the blade and looped it outwards, enough to get the tip of his sword at the Prince's hilt. With a twist, Hyunsul's sword flew out of his hands and landed in front of the door. 

Sungho then pointed the tip of his sword at Hyunsul's throat. "Surrender?"

"You wish." Hyunsul smirked before catching his servant off guard and kicked the sword out of his hands. "Care for another round?"

Sungho scoffed in amusement. "Let's dance."

Before the two could swing fists at each other, they were stopped by a scream. The two turned to the source of the sound to find Chan with a horrified expression.

"I just- I just got these tiles replaced last week!" He fixed his gaze towards the two. "Hyunsul, Sungho..." He took a deep breath. "By the count of one, if you're not out of my sight, you better not scream bloody murder when I get my hands on you."

Without giving the advisor time to count, the two were already running for their lives. Not a second after, they could hear Chan chasing them down in corridors.

"You just had to pull that fancy move!" Hyunsul hissed as the two were running.

Sungho laughed in response. "You're just mad that you weren't the one who did it first."

The Prince was about to retaliate back but he was quickly pulled into a room. With a flash, he was in an enclosed room with Sungho breathing down his neck.

"What are you-"

Sungho placed his hand over Hyunsul's mouth. "Shhh."

"Where did those rats go?!" Chan huffed in frustration.

The two stayed in the same position until they could no longer hear Chan's footsteps.

"Get off of-" Hyunsul tried pushing Sungho away but accidentally burst the door open and lost his balance.

Swiftly, Sungho managed to catch Hyunsul in time. "Careful."

Hyunsul's breath hitched. He could feel his face slightly heating up, with his heart beating at an abnormal pace.

"Are you okay? You're turning red." Sungho carefully placed the Prince back on his feet.

"Huh?" Hyunsul snapped himself back to reality. "Yea."

"There you are," Seungmin smiled when he found the two. "I've been looking everywhere for you two! Go get dressed, we're going to Crimnson Prep for their orientation."

Hyunsul gasped. "Are you serious?!" He'd tried several times to convince his parents to enroll him into school. But after what happened six years ago, they shut the thought down.

"Why would I lie about such- oof." Hyunsul tackled Seungmin into a hug, who hugged the boy back with one hand while the other ruffled his hair. "We don't have a lot of time to spare. The more you stand here, the less time we'll have."

my prince // seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now