10 late night snack

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let me just say this chap is 5000+ words.... ahahaha well have fun you may or may not hate me at the end(ish) :)

Seungmin kicked the doors of the clinic down. The nurses who were working on the clock, flinched as the doors were being slammed against the peach marble walls. With a huff, Seungmin led Hyunjin to an open bed and dash to get the proper medical supplies to treat the prince's wound.

One of the nurses approached the heir of the throne and gasped when she saw the gash on the prince's arm. "Oh my- Prince Hwang, let me-"

"No need, I'll treat it. You're going to have a couple of men entering here," Seungmin checked the clock on the wall. "In 3...2...-"

One of the knights came in right on cue with a guy hung over his shoulder. "We need a medic!"

The nurse turned back to Seungmin, shocked. While as for Seungmin, he just shrugged and waved at the nurse. Telling her to do her job and not stand around looking like a duck. With a skeptical look and a frown, the nurse turned on her heels and attended to the two men, with a couple more coming in.

"How did you know that?" Hyunjin asked in astonishment. "Are you perhaps psychic?"

Seungmin ignored the prince and attended to the gash on his arm instead. First inspecting the cut if it had any flint from the nock. Then after concluding that there is nothing there, he poured a moderate amount of disinfectant on a cotton ball, held by a tweezer, and dabbed the wound as lightly as he could.

"Ow!" Hyunjin hissed. "Be more gentle! You're going to kill the prince and you can be- OW!"

Seungmin rolled his eyes at the older's comment as he pressed harder on the wound, not caring if he was "disrespecting" a royal member of the family. He can't get punished for doing so anyway, for all it looks like, it looks like a servant treating its master's wound.

"Hey, I said be more gentle!" Hyunjin whined.

Seungmin tossed the cotton ball into the bin and started wrapping the wounded arm. "Well my prince, you wouldn't be feeling this stinging sensation if you didn't get in the way of where the arrow was flying."

"Are you saying that it's my fault that I'm injured?!" Hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows.

"To be frank, yes."

Hyunjin yanked his wounded arm away from Seungmin, as the younger was almost finished wrapping it, and flung his arms in the air. "WHAT?! How is this my fault?!" Hyunjin pointed to his arm. "That imbecile was the one who shot the arrow! Not me!"

Seungmin sighed as the bandage he just wrapped became undone. "Are you done with your tantrum or just about to wrap it up?"

"What?" Hyunjin didn't know how to react to Seungmin's reaction. "Are you seriously saying that this is my fault that I got hurt?"

"My answer remains the same as before. Now if you could let me-"

"No." Hyunjin crossed his arms and pouted. "Explain to me why this is my fault when I wasn't the one planning an attack on myself. I mean if I wanted myself killed I'd just drink poison or take one of my daggers and slit my throat. Or just literally jump off a bal-"

"My prince!" Seungmin quickly checked if there was anyone around them. "You can't just throw words around like that and put them in a sentence! You are the next king and heir to the throne! Please don't say lowly things about yourself."

"It's my mouth. Now elaborate how this stupid cut is my fault."

"My opinion is irrelevant now if you please let me wrap-'

my prince // seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now