20 lips

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before reading, I am no way making fun of Changbin's body and not body shaming him. he is perfect and healthy as he is. this is a joke that skz themselves say so that's where i got it from (you'll understand where this is for as you progress through the story)

Two days, it has been two days since Seungmin fainted. Two days since Hyunjin got a wink of sleep. Two days had gone by and Seungmin was still lying on Hyunjin's bed unconscious. While Hyunjin was sitting on a chair beside his love interest, surrounded by stacks of papers. The Prince refused to leave Seungmin's side in case he woke up. He has only left his servant's side when he needed to use the washroom. Other than that, Chan delivers his paperwork for the day and fetches him a tray of food. Always having more than one portion in case Seungmin wakes up. Seokjin has come in and out of the room, changing the IV bag whenever it runs out.

"Prince Hwang, you should really get some sleep," Seokjin said as he tossed the empty bag away. "It's not good for your health."

Hyunjin ignored the doctor's comment, "Do you know when he's going to wake up?"

"It all comes down on the patient's body. But I would say some time today, at most the next day." Seokjin sighed.

Hyunjin just hummed, staring at Seungmin who was peacefully sleeping. Please wake up soon, I don't know how much longer I can take this.

Sun rays were seeping through the open drawn windows but white was the only thing he could see. Slowly adjusting his eyes to the room, he turned his head to the side. Where am- Why am I here? With a small groan, he tried lifting himself up. But hint the word "tried".

"Seungmin!" Chan quietly gasped as he was tidying up Hyunjin's room. "You're finally awake!"

Seungmin was still adjusting his eyes to the light, "Chan? Is that you?"

"The one and only," Chan let out a sigh of relief. "You really scared us back there."

Seungmin's eyes were finally adjusted to the light in the room and he noticed that Hyunjin was right beside him, holding his hand. Something that he hadn't noticed when he woke up. Warm. Seungmin thought, as a faint blush started to appear on his cheeks, which Chan noticed.

"He's been by your side since the moment you collapsed. He refused to leave your side unless he had to use the bathroom. He even refused to sleep but I guess his body had enough and shutted down before he knew it." Chan explained what had happened the past two days.

Seungmin couldn't help but smile at the thought that someone cared so much about him. Something he rarely experienced. Sure he had Jeongin but Hyunjin was expressing his concern on a different level.

"Ah, Jeongin," Seungmin reminded himself. "How is he? I hope he's doing okay."

"He is now but he kept blaming himself because he felt like it was his fault that you fainted. He said something about how on that day he should have dragged you out to the canteen and shoved food down your throat."

Seungmin frowned at Chan's words. "Please tell me that he still isn't blaming himself?"

"I was able to calm him down but I'm sure that a part of him still blames himself."

"Where is he now?" Seungmin asked as carefully removed his hand from Hyunjin's grasp, disappointed that the warmth he felt was gone. And swung his feet to the other side of the bed, not wanting to wake the Prince up.

Chan quickly rushed in front of Seungmin, stopping him from going anywhere. "Whoa, whoa, where do you think you're going? You just woke up, you need to rest! I can go get Innie if you like. But Hyunjin will flip if you disappear, especially when you just woke up after two days of slumber."

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