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grrr, we go wild (stream Wolfgang) anyways onto story

The two were finally back at the palace with Chan's guidance. Sadly the two won't be dorming together since they both had different occupations. Jeongin was dorming with the rest of the employees, who either worked in the kitchen, garden, stables, or with kids, or in the palace defense bracket. Meanwhile, Seungmin was led to another part of the palace where he'll be staying.

"Um, Mr. Bang-" Seungmin tried to say but was cut off.

"You can just call me Chan, no need to be so formal with me."

Seungmin nodded and continued with what he was saying. "May I ask why I'm not dorming with everyone else?"

"You're Hyunjin's personal servant so it's best if you are as close to him as possible. And you won't be alone in the dorms because Jisung and I, also dorm here. Well, Han stays in Minho's room now but you get the point."

Seungmin hummed a response as he followed Chan's lead to his room. "This is your room. Mine is two doors down and Han's is right across from mine. If you ever need anything we'll be right down the hall. Here are your keys and make sure to wake up early enough to attend the tour of the palace. Everyone needs to be there by five so wake up at whatever time that suits you. But this is just for today, usually you can wake up at five or so since breakfast is served at six."

Chan handed Seungmin the keys and was about to leave until Seungmin stopped him. "Wait! I don't know how to get to the dining hall!"

"Oh, that's right!" Chan chuckled. "I'll meet you in front of your room then. Get some rest, you'll need it. Oh, also before I forget! Your uniform is already hanging in your closet, wear that every day when you work. And you have multiple of them so you don't have to worry about washing them every single day. You can go out and buy other article of clothing later in the afternoon if you have time. Just gives us a heads up so we know where you are."

Seungmin nodded and thanked Chan as he unlocked the door. When the door swung open, Seungmin's mouth dropped. The room was humongous, twenty times larger than his original bedroom, and definitely bigger than his living room and kitchen combined at his so-called home. Seungmin blinked a couple of times, overwhelmed by the room. He stepped back outside to see the exterior of his room, checking the layout, and was confused about how such a big room seemed so small outside.

He went back inside and explored his room, yes he explored his room. Seungmin had never entered such a grand room before and it intrigued him but it also scared him for some reason. The first thing that caught his eyes when he entered the room was the huge windows that acted as a wall. The ceilings were two or three times higher than Seungmin's height but he was sure that there were other rooms in the palace that had higher ceilings. As he kept walking into the room, he noticed that he had a walk-in closet to his right, and to his left there was a bathroom. As he kept walking further in, he finally saw the bed and he noticed that he had a little seating area across from his bed. And that there was also a fireplace near the seating area.

Seungmin plopped himself at the edge of the bed, where it had another sort of seating area that he didn't know the use for. This is so overwhelming and it's just a room.... my room to be exact. A servant's room... a dormitory. HOW THE HELL IS THIS A DORMITORY?! I have a god damn walk-in closet and I only own five outfits! Seungmin thought to himself as he flung his slippers he had slipped on before entering the room, in no particular direction. He was frustrated for no reason. This is the most absurd thing I've been through!

Seungmin's room:

Seungmin's room:

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