A Whole New Story

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On October 15th, 2016, a young sixteen year old boy by the name of Steven Briggs, the heir to the throne of Terra —a kingdom within Universe Prime— had went behind his parents' backs and decided to sneak out of his castle following an erupt argument with his father, Jack. Neos, Steve's older brother, would awake in the middle of the night and decided to follow Steve on horseback. Having followed Steve all the way to an unknown forest miles away from Terra, he attempted to convince his younger sibling to return home with him instead of staying in the wilderness for the rest of his life. After awhile of discussing, Steve accepted the offer but would only go through with it if Neos went on an exploration with him that night. Knowing that his brother wouldn't take no for an answer, Neos reluctantly agreed to Steve's terms, and the two began their exploration. They had eventually come across a ruined temple that neither of them had ever even heard of before, and as the two made their way through it, they came across an alter forged out of pure gold. Reading the note that was left on it by an unknown source warning them to never light the alter, Steve laughed at what he presumed to be a dumb joke and convinced his brother that they could light it without anything bad happening. Upon lighting it, though, the two became surrounded by this black mist, which upon sight, forged glowing white eyes that sent shockwaves of fear through both brothers. Having engulfed Neos, Steve rushed his older brother back to their home in Terra where he was quickly treated by as much medical staff as they could find, but it all seemed to prove futile as Neos' heart stopped with Steve at bedside to watch as his older sibling moved on to the afterlife; however, when the family was discussing the plans for the funeral, Neos had arrived, almost as if nothing had ever happened to him, which shocked the group to their very core. While their mother and father were happy to see Neos still alive, Steve was more than aware that there was something going on with his brother, for he could just tell that he wasn't being himself. Having confronted Neos about his strange behavior and being told for the two to stay away from each other, Steve continued to wonder what it was that was wrong with his brother. He decided to go to his brother's room in an attempt to clear the air with his older sibling, but when he had gotten there, he watched as the same white eyes from the temple consumed that of Neos' and killed his own mother. Realizing that the mist from the temple had corrupted his older brother, Steve and his father would attempt to lock the evil spirit away once again, but the attempt resulted in the death of Neos. Not only did Steve lose both his brother and mother, but what he didn't realize was that he was about to lose his father to the same darkness. Rather than being sealed away again, the same spirit, now announcing itself to be named "Herobrine," had bonded himself with Jack, Steve's father. Having found out the truth behind the situation, Steve attempted to find a way to fix his father, but Herobrine was quick to find out and nearly killed Steve, blowing him off one of the castle walls. Steve would later meet up with two men by the names of Jackson Tartal and Sub Usoro, who would later join him in his journey to release powers that were known as the elemental powers. Upon finding the temple that they were locked away in, the three were bestowed with the gift of wielding these powers themselves, and they would use them to defeat Herobrine; however, upon defeating Herobrine, Jack was nowhere to be found, which would lead to the group assuming his demise as reality. During the Elementals' visit to a place known as Universe Orion, Jack would make his darkening return, draining the life out of Jackson right in front of both Steve and Sub, ridding them of their elemental powers. Steve and Sub would manage to outsmart Jack just enough that they were able to seal him away in a device called a Compression Cell, but they realized that they hadn't truly won the fight as they held a funeral along with all of Universe Orion for their fallen friend. Meanwhile, Mace, a former assistant in the labs of Universe Orion, had discovered a way to resurrect deceased people using Universe Orion's most valuable resource, Orichalcum, and the person he chose to revive was none other than Steve's brother, Neos. On January 12th, 2018, just two days before Steve's eighteenth birthday, Mace would order a now mind controlled Neos to steal the Compression Cell that was keeping Jack locked away, and in an attempt to break Jack out, Mace would order the stealing of another machine known as the Polarity Reverser. In the process of stealing it, Neos and Steve would face off in a duel where Steve would surrender, telling Neos that even if he chooses to be evil, he still loves him all the same. The vow Steve had made was enough to break Neos free from his controlled state, and he joined the group as they attempted to stop Mace; however, they were too late as Mace managed to activate the Polarity Reverser and break Jack free. Jack would kill Mace and attempt to kill Steve before making his way back to Terra in an attempt to take the fight back to his home. Having managed to save Steve, Sub and Neos would join him in one last battle against Jack where Neos would be revealed as the new third Elemental, giving the three of them access to their powers again as the group united them together and defeated Jack once and for all...

This is the story of the Elementals.. but what if there was more occurring outside of this story? What if there was a whole new story going on before that of the Elementals? In order to truly figure this out.. we must go back and look at what came before... A whole new story... A story of an apprentice and his mentor... A story of fantasy and monstrosities... The story.. of the Monster Hunters...

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