The True Wolf's Howl

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Per James' demand, Ben began to force his way off the ground and back to his feet. Once he got up, he quickly made his way over to the platform that James awaited him on and would attempt to ready his already exhausted body for the training that was ahead of him.

James: You getting tired yet?

Ben: Man, I thought I was in great shape... You've sure proven me wrong on that one...

James: It's like I said, you're not in bad shape. For your age, the shape you're in is extraordinary. There's just a difference between being in good shape and being in good enough shape to be a Monster Hunter. Anyways, this next test is, as I mentioned before, the pain tolerance test. This is where you'll boost your durability as well as your willpower as an entirety. How will you do that, you ask? Well, allow me to show you.

James went towards the side of the hexagonal platform where a long and slim chest-like object laid. He unlatched the lock that was on it and opened it up to reveal a kendo stick. He grabbed the stick and walked back up to Ben, who remained standing in the center, but as soon as he reached Ben, he reared the kendo stick back and swung forward as hard as he could with it hitting Ben directly in the gut. The impact caused Ben to immediately drop to a knee as he winced in pain.

Ben: The hell was that for?!

James: What I did just now wasn't personal, I promise. This will help to boost your ability to remain both stable and capable even after enduring a large amount of pain. The reason for this is because you're going to get hurt every now and then when hunting a monster, so you need to be able to tolerate a lot more than the average person.

Ben: I guess that makes sense.. but that still doesn't mean that didn't hurt like hell.

James: Trust me, it'll begin to hurt less and less as time goes on.

Ben: Alright then... Hit me again...

James: You sure you're ready for another so soon?

Ben: I said.. hit.. me.. again...

James: Damn... Alright... If that's what you want...

James swung the kendo stick down onto Ben's back before he could even get back up, causing Ben to drop down onto both knees in pain.

Ben: Shit... Again...

James: Ok, now Ben, don't be stupid. You can only take so much at a time-

Ben: I said again!

James: Shit... Maybe this kid has more guts than I thought.

James swung down onto Ben's back again with him actually managing to resist the hit, both shocking and amazing James.

James: What the hell?! How'd he already manage to endure a hit?!

Ben: I have to do this... I've come too close to my dream becoming reality to quit because of some long ass stick...

Ben began to slowly make his way back up to his feet, ripping his shirt off in the process, revealing the black, blue, and purple marks that were made by the hits he had just been dealt. Once he made his way back to his feet, he held his arms out as a way of showing that he was ready for more, and per his request to continue, James continued to swing for the fences for another ten minutes until finally, he called it.

James: Alright, you're done. You may be a glutton for pain, but I am not one to enjoy hurting someone.

Ben: Alright... What's next?

James: Are you sure you can keep going? We can call it for today if you really can't take anymore.

Ben: I can keep going... I'm fine... I promise...

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