The Titanic Forest

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The next day had arrived, but for Ben, the day started at about four thirty in the morning, before the sun was even beginning to rise. As he woke up, the fifteen year old grabbed yet another white shirt that was identical to the one he wore the day prior and kept on the same jet black pants as before. As he finished putting his brown belt back around his waist, he grabbed his boots and dug his feet into them until he was about knee deep in them to show that he had them on completely. He then grabbed the strap that was on the outside of each of the boots and clipped them both onto his belt. As soon as he had his clothes on, he exited his room and made his way downstairs, making a sharp turn and to the bottom to the front door. He grabbed the satchel that he had hung up next to the entrance of the home, put it around his neck, and was out the door. As he was walking out of the village, he opened up his satchel and pulled out a massive hunting knife with a crimson red handle that had a B and an A engraved on the side. He continued walking for about an hour with the village he had come from eventually being nowhere in sight as he ventured over hillside after hillside, and as the sun began to slowly rise over the land around him, he finally reached his destination. In front of him stood a massive forest with trees that went to be as tall as some mountain sides.

Ben: Man, I swear, I'm never gonna get used to that walk. Anyways, here we are... The Titanic Forest...

As Ben made his way into the massive labyrinth that was the Titanic Forest, he began looking around at his surroundings with his knife at the ready. As he continues to walk around with the trees in the forest blocking out almost all sunlight other than a few rays, he looks around on the ground and notices that there are footprints that are shaped like that of a deer leading in the path in front of him.

Ben: Well, this is going pretty good for a change. Maybe I'll actually get to be home before evening.

Ben began to follow the tracks as continued to go in a straight line, which confused him at first since deers weren't the type of animals to head in the same direction for so long, but as he was continuing to examine the trail in hopes of recency beginning to become more apparent in the tracks to signal that he was getting closer, Ben noticed that the tracks ended and were replaced with much larger and rounder tracks that met the much tinier deer tracks.

Ben: Damnit... I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that whatever I was searching for is no longer living... If it is, then I will be extremely surprised. Wait a minute, these tracks are recent... These tracks are extremely recent... That means.. I've gotta get outta here.

Just as Ben turned around to exit the forest, he was greeted by the sight of a massive grizzly bear that had blood pouring from its mouth and paws which confirmed Ben's suspicions.

Ben: Damnit, damnit, damnit! I'm really screwed, now... I can't take on a damn grizzly bear! That thing makes up at least five of me, and honestly, that's probably being generous. Either way, I have to get outta here one way or another. Besides.. if I can't take on a bear.. any monster will just tear me apart...

As Ben continued to stare at the bear with the bear staring daggers back, the bear began to roar at Ben which sent slight streaks of fear and anxiousness down Ben's spine. With the roar of battle having been sounded, the bear began to rush a motionless Ben which gave him all the reason he needed to turn around and begin running himself. As he continued to run through the forest, he looked a bit of ways ahead of him and saw a fairly thick branch just a few trees in front of him that was low enough for him to grab ahold of.

Ben: Ok, I could use that branch to get behind him, but how would I be able to hurt him? Come on, think, Ben, think! Wait a minute! A bear's skin is really easy to penetrate in the rib cage area.. so if I can hit there, I should be able to kill it! Ok... Here goes nothin!

As Ben was making his way towards the branch with the bear quickly gaining on him, he turned for a split second and threw his knife right at the ground in front of the bear with the handle hitting first, bouncing the knife off the ground and up into the air just as the bear was passing over it causing it to hit the bear directly in the chest.

Ben: There we go! That might just be the best throw I've ever made! Good job, me! I can't get too excited, though... Now, it's time for the hard part... Whether or not I can pull this off will decide whether or not I'll live or die.. and ol' grizzly.. I don't plan on dying!

Just as Ben made it to the branch the bear got close enough to slash it's claws at Ben, but just before hand, Ben managed to grab ahold of the branch and swing himself up into the air, avoiding the bear's attempt at a kill. As he began coming back around, he let go of the branch and landed on the bear's back with the bear attempt to grab him with it's paws to get him off, but Ben managed to keep out of reach of the grizzly bear's mighty paws and began to put the final part of his plan into motion.

Ben: Well, buddy, it's been fun, but it's about time I end this little game of our's for good! See ya!

Ben quickly jumped over the bear's shoulder just before he could get grabbed and grabbed the knife handle sticking out of the bear's chest, and with the bear on it's hind legs, Ben ripped the knife down the bear's entire torso as he fell back down to the ground.

Ben: I.. win...

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