Introduction to a New World

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It's June 19th, 2015. In Universe Val, a universe of pure and utter dullness, a young fairly tan man was walking through the gates to a tiny village. The individual in question had dark brown eyes that almost matched that of the spruce wood that made up most of the homes in the village, was about six feet tall, wore dark brown boots that went about knee high and latched onto the belt of his black pants, and a white t-shirt with a satchel going over his shoulder. As the young man was making his way through the village, everyone watched on as they noticed him carrying something quite large and hairy on his back: a deer. The village people acted as if they all knew who the man was and couldn't help but simply grin at the sight of him, almost as if to make it a point to show that he was quite liked by everyone. He stopped at a fairly small hut that was barely big enough to be noticeable, left the massive fur-coated mammal that was on his shoulders down by the side of the doorway under the slight covering that was the roof above the door and slowly made his way inside. Having entered the wooden doorway with it slowly closing behind him, he took the satchel he had off, and hung it up on a hook next to the door. As he did, two younger children ran up to him with one being a boy and the other a girl and hugged him at his waist as tight as they could.

???: Woah there, guys, you're gonna make me fall!

The two children simply ignored the words of the younger teen looking male and continued to squeeze him with them practically trying to pull him down to the ground.

???: Carter! Alivia! Chill out! You're actually gonna make me fall!

Per his request this time, the two children released their grips on him with smiles still on their faces. The boy, Carter, had slightly dark, short, chocolatey brown hair that somewhat resembled that of the older male with his skin being much paler. He had emerald green eyes that matched the green shirt he wore along with black pants that were a few sizes smaller than but practically identical to those of the man standing before them. The little girl, Alivia, had really dark brown hair that you could almost consider black that went about to her shoulders, brown eyes that matched those of the man, and a fair complexion that was similar to that of Carter's. She wore a light gray sweater that seemed as if it had been made out of wool as well as jet black pants to match that of Carter's and the man's. As the two children continued to maintain their eagerness to see the man, an older woman entered the miniature hall that they were standing in. She had long black hair that went halfway down her back and light blue eyes that almost looked gray from a distance. Similar to Carter and Alivia, her complexion was quite fair, and she wore a navy blue top with a white dress bottom. She, too, smiled at the sight of the man and greeted him with open arms.

???: Welcome home, Ben. You were out for a fairly long time today. You almost had me worried.

Ben: I'm sorry, Alexa, but I couldn't help it. Food's becoming scarce in the areas I normally hunt in, so I didn't really have much of a choice. It was either stay out until I found something or go without dinner, and I wasn't about to starve us.

Alexa: Well, what're we waiting for? You guys wanna go see what Ben managed to get for us today?

Carter and Alivia: Yeah!

Ben opened the door that was behind him as they all four looked outside at the massive deer he had managed to get ahold of. The two children stood in awe while Alexa was unable to do anything but smile at the sight.

Alexa: I gotta give it to ya, Ben... I don't know what we'd do without you...

Ben: Ya know, you don't have to give me any praise for helping the family that took me in. With all that you all have done for me, helping to get food is the very least I could do.

Alexa: Ben, stop thinking that you owe us something for that. You don't owe us anything. This family took you in because we wanted to, not because we expected you to pay us back for it. You're our family, Ben... That's all there is to it...

Ben: Thanks, Alexa.. but I do this because I want to, also. Besides, if I don't collect food, it's not like we can just send Carter and Alivia out for us.

Alexa: Hehehe... I suppose you have a point there... Well, I suppose it's time we take this thing in so I can start getting the coat off. Do you care to carry it out to the backyard for me, Ben?

Ben: Oh, yeah, of course!

Ben walked over, kneeled down, and picked the deceased deer up onto his shoulders with ease which both shocked and amazed the two children standing before him. He stood back into a straight up position with the deer still on his back and proceeded to make his way through the home and to the backyard where a massive wooden table awaited the soon to be skinned dear. Ben laid it on the flat wooden table and proceeded to make his way back inside just as Alexa made her way outside to begin skinning the deer. As Ben entered the back doorway, he unlatched the boots that were attached to his belt and slipped his feet out of the boots, exposing the rest of his black skintight pants. As Ben got about halfway up the stairs that were next to the wall of the hallway, he was be stopped by Carter and Alivia who were at the bottom of the stairs.

Carter: Hey, Ben, do you wanna play with us before dinner?!

Alivia: Yeah, do ya?! Do ya?!

Ben: Hehe... Not right now, you guys. I'm a bit exhausted, so I'm gonna go try to get some rest before dinner, alright?

Carter: Oh, ok, we're sorry...

Ben: Hey, don't be sorry. I'll play with you guys some other time, ok? Better yet, if Alexa will let me, I might just show you how to use a sword. How's that sound?

Carter and Alivia: Really?!

Ben: Yeah, of course! Would I really joke about something like that?

Carter: Oh, man, you're the best, Ben!

Alivia: Yeah, totally!

Ben: Hehe, I know I am... Well, you guys run along. I'm gonna go rest for awhile. Come get me when dinner's done, alright?

Carter and Alivia: Alright!

After responding to Ben who was still only halfway up the stairs, the two younger children did as he requested and went on throughout the house to play while Ben continued to make his way up the stairs.

Ben: Man... Who would've thought I'd be so lucky to have such a perfect family?

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