Final Answer, Locking In

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As Ben maintained his motionless state eagerly awaiting the answer that would escape James' lips at any second, he began to feel as though he was experiencing a mixture of excitement and fear, for he still had to keep in mind that James wasn't guaranteed to say yes.

James My final answer to you, Ben, is.. yes...

Even without saying it in a loud tone, James' final word seemed to sound out like an alarm, and Ben was unable to keep his silence any longer.

Ben: Wait a minute, did you... Did you just say yes?

James: I did, Ben... As of today, I will be training you to become a Monster Hunter, but that is only if you're still up to the task. You did just have your first encounter with an official monster, so if your mind's changed due to that, I perfectly understand-

Ben: My decision remains the same...

James stood in complete astonishment at the words Ben had uttered, for he couldn't believe that such a young individual would be so quick to play a role that would be life risking.

James: Man, you haven't even budged a bit from wanting to do it?

Ben: Not in the slightest... As a matter of fact, I wanna be one now more than ever... The fact is that I used to tell myself that I have to become one just so I can prove everyone that said I could never be one wrong.. but now, I realize that I have to become a Monster Hunter for a much more different reason than that... I have to become a Monster Hunter to protect my family... Seeing all that happened today in the amount of time I was gone.. there's no changing my mind, now...

Ben quickly turned to face Alexa, Carter, and Alivia, who were all still huddled up together a bit. As he made his way over to them, the look of fear and worry became more and more apparent on Alexa's face. Having just a few inches between the two, Ben wiped away a single tear that was going down the face of his adoptive mother and gifted her with the sight of a warm smile that he hoped would calm her nerves just a tiny bit. She tried to smile back at her adopted son but was too weak to do so. Trying to hold back her sobs, she attempted to let out as many words as she could.

Alexa: Do you... Do you have to go? Maybe I was wrong, Ben. Maybe there is more in this world that can give you the satisfaction of wanting a more exciting life, but there just has to be a better option in all of this...

Ben: Alexa.. I know you care.. and I couldn't have asked for a better person to take care of me all these years... That's all the more reason I have to do this... I refuse to let you, Alivia, or Carter ever be put in harm's way again.. especially if I can grow to be able to stop it... I know that this may be something that's gonna be hard for all of us to get a grip on, both mentally and emotionally, but I have to do it... I'm sorry, but this is one time in my life that I can't do what you're asking of me... I hope and pray that you'll be able to forgive me, but if you can't.. just know that I couldn't have been prouder about who my mother was...

Alexa's body seemed to practically shut down upon hearing Ben's last words, but it quickly rebooted itself as Alexa wrapped her arms around Ben and held him in the tightest embrace that she could muster up. Ben returned the hug as he wrapped his arms around his adoptive mother with her practically sobbing into his shoulder. Having managed to stop crying long enough to speak, she attempted to whisper a few more words to her son.

Alexa: You won't ever need me to forgive you.. because you've never done anything wrong to require forgiveness... As terrified as I may be about what you're doing.. I have to accept that this is, and will always be your path... Last night, when you told me for what felt like the millionth time that you wanted to be a Monster Hunter.. and I saw that determined look in your eyes.. I knew that one day, I just wouldn't be able to stop you anymore... I just never would've imagined that that day would arrive so soon... I just... I just wish I had more time to prepare for it.. but no matter what.. I will always support you... I will always love you.. and most of all.. I will always be so proud to call you my son... Ben.. I've always known that you were destined for greatness... Now.. it seems as though that greatness has finally found you... Go... Live the dream that you've carried with you all these years.. and just remember that no matter what happens, your home will always be right here waiting for you to return to it...

Ben: I will, Alexa... I mean.. I will, Mom...

Alexa: Gosh, I can't stop crying... I always dreamt of the day you'd call me that...

Ben: I'm just sorry that I never did sooner... The fact is you've been my mom ever since I was a baby... You took me in when I was just a little infant orphan... That is something that I'll never be able to thank you enough for...

Alexa: You can thank me by finally following your dream.. and by proving me wrong after so long, hehe...

Ben: Hehe... I'll be sure to do that...

After what seemed like forever, the two finally released their embrace on each other with smiles having stained both of their faces, and upon releasing, Ben turned to face James once more.

Ben: So... When do we start?

James: Pack anything you may need... I'll be back tomorrow to get you, alright?

Ben: Alright then... I guess I'll see you tomorrow, then.

James: Hehe... I guess you will, won't you?

James held out his hand for Ben to shake which excited Ben beyond belief. Ben quickly held his hand out as well and shook James' hand with James shaking back, almost as a sign to show that Ben had finally gained his respect. Upon releasing their grips on each other, James began to make his way out of the village as Ben and his family, as well as the rest of the crowd, watched on as James walked off into the sun that was slowly beginning to set on the world around them.

Ben: Starting tomorrow, my journey to become a Monster Hunter finally begins.. and I'm gonna make every last second of it count...

As Ben and the rest of his family made their way inside, Ben quickly rushed to his room without even bothering to take his boots off and quickly began preparing for his leave the next day. Having retrieved a large duffle bag that was made for him by Alexa out of leather just a year prior, he began stuffing it full of shirts and pants as well as underwear and socks, which were all things he knew he would need. Having finished packing the giant bag full of clothes, he unlatched his knee high boots from his belt once again, taking them off and resting them right at the side of his bed. He then took his satchel off from around his torso and rested it next to the clothing filled duffle bag that sat next to the opposite wall of his bed's.

Ben: Well, I think that just about makes everything that I have to get... Now, all that's left to do is get a good night's sleep. That shouldn't be too hard...

As Ben laid back onto his bed and began resting his head on his soft white pillow, he let out an exaggerated yawn that seemed to drag out until he was almost asleep. After laying motionless for about ten minutes, Ben's body began to release snores as a sign to show that his consciousness had left him. At about two-thirty in the morning, Ben began to have flashes of a particular area that seemed to be all too familiar to him. During his flashes of the area, he noticed trees and bushes, as well as very little sunlight escaping the confines of the wilderness he was seeing. As his flashes continued, he began to see flashes of a different area. He saw an oasis seeming area with multiple rivers leading directly to it from all angles. Just as his flashes were beginning to cease, he noticed a fairly large rock sitting in the middle of the oasis with an odd figured item inside of it that he was unable to figure out the identity of. Right before his flashes ended, though, he was greeted by the sight of an immensely large, flaming, amphibian like creature staring down at him. The very sight both scared and unnerved him as he quickly woke up from his sleep, trembling in fear and breathing heavily.

Ben: Wh-wh-what was that? What did I just dream about? Better yet.. why did it all seem so familiar?

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