The Formation of the Monster Hunters

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As soon as Ben announced his return back home, he could hear the footsteps from upstairs beginning to run towards the front door. Before he knew it, he saw both Alivia and Carter running towards him with complete and utter joy filling every ounce of their bodies. They didn't even stop once they had reached him, for they simply continued to run to him until they managed to wrap around his waist and would attempt to pull him down to the ground just as they did every time he came home from a hunting trip.

Carter: Ben, you're home!

Alivia: We've missed you so much!

Ben: I've missed you guys too... Man, you've both gotten so much bigger since I've been gone!

As soon as Ben could finish his statement, the two released him and would immediately turn their attention to James, who was standing behind Ben in as uncomfortable seeming of a state as ever.

Alivia: Ummm, mister? Who are you?

James: My name's James. You are?

Alivia: My name's Alivia!

Carter: And my name's Carter!

James: Ahhh, you're the two little ones that Ben talks about all the time! I gotta say, you two sure seem like you've had some of your older brother's energy rub off on you over the years.

As James was talking to the two younger siblings, Ben saw as the backyard door slowly opened, with Alexa being the one to enter from it. Before she could even say a word, her and Ben's eyes locked as Ben could see a single tear already beginning to form in his adoptive mother's eye. Before anything else could be done or said, the two quickly ran towards each other and embraced one another with the tightest hug they could muster up.

Alexa: I've missed you.. so much... I didn't know when you'd ever come back.. or if you even would ever again...

Ben: Hey, hey, it's ok... I'm here... I'm perfectly fine... I've missed you too...

The two held their hug for just awhile longer until finally releasing their hold on each other. As they did, Ben noticed Alexa wiping away the tears that had formed in her eyes and knew of nothing else to do besides smile to her comfortingly.

Ben: Oh, I almost forgot!

Ben quickly ran over and grabbed James by the arm and pulled him back over to his mother.

Ben: Mom, this is James Crawford. He's who I've been trained by and who I've been staying with for the past two months.

James: I, uhhh... It's a.. pleasure to meet you, miss.

James slowly bowed in front of Alexa, which forced a slight giggle out of her.

Alexa: Who would've thought that a Monster Hunter would be such a gentleman?

James: Hehe... I'm not necessarily the best at it, but I do what I can.

Alexa: Well, I must say, it's far more charming than I would've ever expected.

James: Hehe... Thank you...

Alexa was unable to notice, but Ben could see right on James' face that he was blushing beyond belief.

Ben: Wait a minute... Is he.. crushing on Mom? Ew! Nope... I'm not gonna think about that...

Alexa: Anyways, would either of you like some dinner? I'm getting ready to start cooking.

Ben: Yes, please! Oh, man, James, you're in for a treat!

James: Hehe... I'd say so...

About an hour and a half or so had passed, and the family, James included, had all found a seat at the dinner table with Alexa grabbing the chair she sat in when skinning animals outside for James to sit in. James was sitting on one side of the table with Ben to his right, Alexa two his left, and the two younger siblings right across from him. As everyone began to dig into their food, Alexa paid extra close attention to James' first bite, for she was curious to see just how well he'd like her cooking. After cutting a piece of the meat off and sticking it in the confinements of his mouth, James eyes seemed to light up with both joy and satisfaction as he leaned back in his chair.

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