Chasing a Dream

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Alexa sat motionless at what Ben had said, almost as if she knew what he was referring to and just didn't wish to respond. Ben sat without speaking another word, for he knew that it was no secret what he was meaning with his statement. As he simply continued to eat the food in front of him even slower than before with it seeming as though it was taking minutes on end for the fork to even reach the opening of his mouth, Alexa continued to sit motionless, not even touching her food the slightest bit. Not only was Ben upset that she was no longer eating, but she wasn't even looking at him. Instead, she continued to just stare downwards into the abyss that was the dark wood flooring beneath their feet.

Ben: A-Alexa...

Attempting to get his adopted mother's attention proved to be pointless as she simply ignored what he was saying and continued her downward gaze.

Ben: Alexa, come on... You can't ignore forever-

Alexa: Why?

Ben sat slightly confused about the single word question that Alexa had said. As he began to wonder what she was asking, she ceased his thoughts as she began to speak.

Alexa: Why do you want that? Of all the things you could do with your life, you want to be that? Do you realize how big of a risk you're taking in being one of them?

Ben: Alexa, I appreciate that you're worried, but I really want to do this. What do you have against me being one? James Crawford's done it for years, and he's completely fine.

Alexa: Well, you're not James Crawford!

Ben sat in shock at the yelled words that escaped Alexa's lips, for he never knew her to get worked up like that.

Alexa: You're not James Crawford... You're no Monster Hunter, either... You're my boy... Even if it's not by blood, I raised you, and I refuse to let anything bad happen to you that I could prevent!

Ben: But, Alexa, I-

Alexa: No buts... Ben, please... I am begging you to stay right here with all of us... I can't afford to see you do that to yourself...

Ben: D-Do what to myself?

Alexa: I can't afford to watch you die trying to chase a dream that's too far out of your reach... I just can't...

As soon as she finished her statement, Alexa stood up from the table without even making eye contact with Ben and slowly made her way out of the kitchen without even taking up her plate. Once she had left, the room became consumed by silence as Ben felt unable to do anything but sit still and stare into his own lap just as Alexa was doing earlier.

Ben: All I want.. is to make something more out of myself... Is that so wrong? Am I just.. not fit to play such a role in the world?

Instead of finishing what little bit of meat was on the plate, Ben simply left it where it was on the table and proceeded to make his way out of the kitchen and up to his room. Once he made his way up the stairs and into the confinement of his room, he went back to doing what he was doing a few minutes ago before Carter woke him up: laying down on his bed exhausted. As he laid his motionless body on his bed, he began to stare up at the ceiling as he began to have all the things Alexa had said run through his thoughts like rampaging bulls.

Alexa: You're not James Crawford... You're no Monster Hunter, either... You're my boy...

Alexa: I can't afford to watch you die trying to chase a dream that's too far out of your reach... I just can't...

Ben: Was she.. right about that? Am I really just nothing more.. than some kid who's chasing a dream that can never be grabbed?

As Ben began to have tears slowly build up in his eyes, he slowly built up the energy and willpower to roll over onto his side as he began to rest his head on the extremely soft pillow that he had with the much worn down mattress maintaining his body's comfort. With his eyes slowly beginning to close, the tears that had built up in them began to slowly roll down his face, but even while he was crying, he didn't make a sound in hopes that no one would see him vulnerable.

Ben: No matter what.. I have to become a Monster Hunter... I just have to... I have to show everyone that I can do it.. even Alexa...

Ben continued to slowly doze off until he was finally sound asleep. Meanwhile, Alexa was in a room of her own that was just further down the upstairs walkway from Ben's room. In there, she was staring out the tiny window that rested in the wall next to her bed just as Ben's did his as her eyes became locked on the starry sky above.

Alexa: Ben... You've always done so many kind and generous things in your life that I'm unable to wrap my head around them all... You've helped so many people in the fifteen years I've raised you... I just want to see you stick around so the world can allow you to keep being that person... I don't know what I'd do if I allowed you to chase that dream and try to be a Monster Hunter only for you to be killed... I don't know if I could live with myself...

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