Homelife Questions

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The next morning had finally arrived as Ben woke up to the sight of the sun beaming through his window and into his room, lighting the whole place up. As he began to slowly sit up from his laying position, he stretched his arms as far as they'd go and let out an extremely lengthy yawn as if it were an attempt at getting rid of any desire he had left to sleep.

Ben: Man, I'm not gonna lie, I didn't sleep as great as I had hoped... Oh well, I guess. There's nothing I can really do about it at this point, I suppose.

As soon as Ben got up, he shoved his feet down into his boots and latched them onto his belt like usual. He would then make his way over to the other side of the room and grab the satchel and duffle bag that were sitting right next to each other and throw them both around his torso.

Ben: Well.. I think that's everything... Goodbye, home... I'll miss you...

Just as Ben turned to face the door and opened it, he was greeted by his family, who were all full of welcoming smiles.

Ben: Hey, guys, what's up?

Alexa: Oh, don't be silly, Ben! Surely, you didn't think you were just gonna leave without us saying goodbye!

Ben: I... I don't know what to say...

Ben tried to hold back his sadness to leave his adoptive family, but he knew that he would have to follow through with it if he wishes to become a Monster Hunter.

Ben: Th-thank you... You have no idea how much you guys mean to me... I'll always have you in my thoughts... You can count on it...

As Ben embraces the three of them in one final hug, he allows a single tear to fall down the roughness of his face as he takes in the final moment he'll get to share with his family for quite sometime. As they release the hug, Alexa looks at Ben one final time and is unable to do anything but smile.

Alexa: Well, what're you waiting for? Go get em my fiery little spirit...

Ben: Hehehe... You got it, Mom...

As Ben runs down the staircase, Alexa, Carter, and Alivia all follow him down, and as he opens the front door, he's greeted by the sight of James, who seems to have been waiting for him.

James: Took ya long enough.

Ben: Sorry, I guess I didn't get as much sleep as I thought I would.

James: It's fine... Anyways, you ready to go?

Ben: I've never been more ready.

James: That's what I like to hear...

As the two started to walk off towards the exit of the village, Alexa and the children all three watched on as their adopted family member slowly entered the distance.

Alexa: I'm gonna miss you, Ben...

A few hours had passed since James and Ben had left with the sun signaling that they were just entering the afternoon.

James: Well, it seems like we're making pretty decent time. We still have a few more hours of walking to go, though.

Ben: I thought you said that you had a place not too far from the Titanic Forest. We passed that up ages ago, so why haven't we found your place yet?

James: While it is true that I have a place near the Titanic Forest, it's mainly just a place that I use for hunting. I don't actually live there.

Ben: Oh, I get it! So, you have multiple different places that you stay at depending on what you're doing?

James: That's right... Although, while we're on the subject of where we live, do you mind if I ask you about your home?

Ben: Oh, of course not! Ask whatever questions you've got!

James: Alright then... I just figured I'd ask if I could question you about it before hand because I know how sensitive of a topic that can be for some people... Anyways, to the questions, I suppose... Alright, for starters, how long have you really been living there? Has that always been your home, or does your family travel a bit?

Ben: We had one home before, but I can't say I remember much of anything from it. We lived there until I was about five or so, and then, we moved to where we are now. As much as I've always liked the idea of traveling from place to place, Mom isn't much for it, so we've lived there ever since.

James: Interesting... Well, I guess my next question would have to be this: Where's her husband? I know that's a much more personal question, so if you wish to not share, I can understand that.

Ben: Oh, no, it's fine, I'm just.. not entirely sure if I have a proper answer for that question. I guess my initial answer would have to be wherever our old home was.

James: Really? Why's that?

Ben: Growing up, I asked Mom where her husband, or, I guess my adoptive father, was, and she would always say that we had to leave him. She told me that he became a bit too harsh with us at times and that we wouldn't have been safe if we had stayed around him.

James: Man, you talk about all of that like it's no big deal.

Ben: I guess that's just because I never really thought of it as a very big deal. Like I said, I was too young to really remember any of it at all, so all I really know about him is what I've been told by Mom.

James: Well, besides all of that, what all has she told you?

Ben: Nothing else, really. The only other thing she's ever told me is that his name was Ray, but aside from that, the man is a complete mystery to me.

James: Well, if he's anything like she told you, and she doesn't seem like the lying type, then I'd imagine there's probably a good reason you don't know much about him.

Ben: Yeah, you're probably right. Hey, James?

James: Yeah? What is it?

Ben: Ummm... What's up with your sword?

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