Training Grounds

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Ben continued to examine the test James had greeted him with as James simply watched Ben's every move in slight eagerness, for he was more than a bit curious to see just how well Ben would do.

Ben: Well.. here goes nothin, I guess...

Ben began to slowly make his way up the miniature stairs that led to the beam and would slowly step onto it. Once he stepped on it, he would slowly make his way further and further across it until he was finally in the middle.

Ben: Alright... Now, what do I do?

James: I want you to keep your balance... Nothing more, nothing less... Well, actually, there is one thing that I want you to do.

Ben: What's that?

James: You have to do it on your hands.

Ben: Wait, what?!

James: I didn't stutter, did I? Go on, do it. We don't have all day, you know?

Ben: Alright.. I'll do it...

Ben would begin to make his way onto his hands, slowly lifting his feet off the ground and straight up into the air as he did. Within just a few seconds, Ben was on his hands and upside down.

Ben: Is this what you had in mind?

James: That's exactly what I had in mind. Now, I want you to hold that for about twenty minutes.

Ben: What?! Twenty minutes?! You can't be serious!

James: As serious as one can be. Now, if I were you, I'd quit talking and start focusing. If you don't, you'll be lucky to hold that for two minutes.

Ben: Oh, y-yes, of course! I never thought about that...

Ben began to maintain his position for about five minutes with his body already beginning to give slight hints that it's becoming a bit worn down with the straining of the position.

Ben: Man, this really is beginning to hurt, and it's not even been close to the twenty minutes I have to hold it... It's fine... I just have to keep.. holding it...

Just as Ben could finish his thought, he heard something begin to cut through the air, and when he looked up to see what it was, he was greeted by the sight of a miniature wooden frisbee, which hit him directly in the stomach, knocking him into the pool below. As he came up out of the water, he was gripping at his stomach for a moment with James simply staring down at him.

James: Well, I guess I'll give you credit for being able to hold it for five minutes on your first try. You probably could've held it for a tiny bit longer if you knew that you were gonna have stuff be thrown at you.

Ben: Wait... Why would you throw that and not at least tell me it was gonna happen? I don't mean to question you or anything, I just don't quite get it.

James: Everything you'll do here has a purpose, including getting hit in the gut with a frisbee. The fact is you need to improve on whatever it is that these courses will teach you. The one you just did will be used to improve your core strength and balance. Then, you have the obstacle course. That will be used to increase both speed and overall agility, which shouldn't be too difficult for you, seeing as how you're one big ball of energy as it is. The third one is what I like to call the "Pain Tolerance Test." Essentially, it'll be used to, well, improve your pain tolerance. The fourth is a strength test where you'll be chopping logs to boost your force and overall power.

Ben: So, I'm pretty much just chopping wood?

James: Well, yeah, but you'd be surprised just how much chopping wood improves your strength, and while your physique is most impressive to be your age, I think we oughta add a bit of size onto it, don't you agree?

Ben glanced down at his arms and compared them to James', realizing that he wasn't exactly the most buff individual.

Ben: I guess you've got a point...

James: Eh, don't feel bad about it. I had noodle arms when I first started doing all of this, so if anything, you're a bit ahead of the game. You'll get there, don't worry. Anyways, the fifth and final piece of training that I have for you, my personal favorite, is the concentration challenge. As far as what that entails, well.. I'd rather wait until we get there for you to find out.

Ben: Ummm... Alright? So, which one do you want me to do next?

James: We'll go in the order I listed them. That means that the obstacle course is next.

Ben: Oh, alright! I can actually play to my strengths on this one.

James: That, you can. I figured you'd be excited for this one for that exact reason. Anyways, you may begin now if you'd like.

Ben: Alright, then, let's do it!

Ben stepped up onto the lengthy platform that the obstacle course was on. As he stepped up, the very first sight he was greeted by were massive wooden poles with planks sticking out from them.

Ben: What am I supposed to do with these?

James: Just make it through them.

Ben: That's all?

James: That's all.

Ben: Alright then... Simple enough...

As Ben began to step into the plank equipped poles, he stepped on a massive pressure plate just before them, which caused the poles to begin spinning rapidly.

Ben: Woah! I wasn't expecting that...

Ben began to slowly make his way through the beams, for they each had a tiny gap separating it from all the others. After managing to make it through a few, he began to take a step through another row of them, only to have one hit him right in the back of the knee.

Ben: Damnit, that hurt! Alright, I'm fine... I just have two more rows of them to go...

Ben began to make it through the last two rows of spinning beams, which he was able to do without getting hit again. Once he had managed to make it through, though, he was met with a pit of swords that were also spinning around.

Ben: What the?! How am I supposed to get over these?!

James: I guess you've just gotta jump and hope for the best.

Ben: What?! That's insane!

James: So is almost nearly getting eaten alive by monsters, but you don't see me complaining.

Ben: Ugh! Fine! I'll do it...

Ben concentrated his gaze down at the swords with fear beginning to slowly overwhelm him, but he was able to get himself back in the zone just long enough to convince himself to attempt the jump. Getting a running start, he made his leap of faith, and to his surprise, he managed to clear the three yard long jump.

Ben: Oh, man... I never would've thought I'd be able to make that...

Just as Ben managed to catch his breath, though, he was hit in the side by a swinging dummy, which knocked him off of the platform and onto the ground in front of James. With an obviously exhausted Ben laying in front of him, James was unable to do anything but chuckle.

James: Hehe... Simple enough, right?

Ben: Oh, haha, very funny.

James: Well, don't just sit there. Come on. Your next test awaits.

Ben: Oh... How fun...

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