Showing Love

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As Ben saw his adoptive mother fall to the ground in front of him, he began to feel a massive amount of pain consume him. Even though she was beginning to attack him, he still became overwhelmed with heartbreak at the sight of her deceased corpse laying in front of her; however, all of his pain converted to confusion as he watched his adoptive mother's body transform itself into a dark purple body that lacked any facial features aside from a mouth that wielded severely sharp teeth, and had claws on it's hands. As Ben, along with the rest of the townsfolk, stood in confusion at what they were witnessing, a familiar voice called out to Ben.

???: I have to admit.. I sure wouldn't have thought you'd be able to take that much and still get back up...

As Ben had finished making his way back onto his feet, he turned to face who was speaking and was greeted by the face of the exact same individual from the forest he was in earlier that day.

Ben: J-J-James? Wh-what are you doing here?

James: Well, to be honest, I was originally coming to bring more food to you, but then, as I was passing through, I watched you get thrown through a door and figured you could use a little help.

Ben: Wait a minute, so it was you that just.. killed Alexa?

James: Well.. yes and no, technically...

Ben's mind became lost at what James had said and figured that the only true way to figure out what he meant was to ask.

Ben: I.. don't get it... What do you mean?

James: Yeah, that thing had the appearance of one of your family members, but I can assure you that's not at all who it was.

Ben: Wait, that thing wasn't Alexa?

James: That, it wasn't. What you just encountered right there is what's called a Mimicker.

Ben: A Mimicker? What exactly is that?

James: Well, as you just saw, a Mimicker can alter it's appearance to match that of any other living thing that it sees. Mimickers are big fans of transforming into people, so that's what they are a lot of the time. Some Mimickers can actually be quite passive, but there are some, like the one you just encountered, that can be extremely aggressive.

Ben: How did you kill it?

James: Simple. A Mimicker's like a reptile. Reptiles can regenerate any portion of their body over time no matter how many times you cut it off, but if you cut off the head, it's game over. Well, Mimickers are just like that. The only difference is that the spot you have to cut off with them is far more difficult than a reptile's.

Ben: What do you have to cut off?

James turned a little bit and pointed at the back of his neck.

James: Right there. You have to cut off the nape of the neck. If you can do that, they'll fall instantly, but if you can't, well.. there's no stopping them.

???: Ben!

Just as James had finished, him and Ben were both caught off guard by a female voice screaming at Ben from the house. When they turned to see who it was, they saw the heartwarming sight of Alexa, Carter, and Alivia, who all ran to Ben as quick as they could and embraced him as soon as they reached him.

Alexa: Oh my goodness, I'm so glad you're alright!

Ben: Hehe, don't worry about me... I'm just glad you guys are ok... Speaking of, where were you guys?

Alexa: We were hiding in the closet in my room.

Ben: Oh... I guess I should've checked there before trying to fight an evil you.

Alexa: Hehe... Yeah...

The four person family had held their embrace for a little while longer until finally releasing. As soon as they did, Ben turned to face James with a smile from ear to ear. Ben slowly made his way over to James with his entire body still battered and bruised, grabbed him by the wrist, and raised his arm up in the air.

Ben: Ladies and gentlemen! Let's give a big round of applause to the man who saved my family and I: James Crawford!

Having heard who it was that was standing before them, the crowd began to gossip about the Monster Hunter that stood before them. As the whispers of the crowd traveled like the wind, they all began to slowly clap. Those slow claps began to quickly speed up until they eventually evolved into cheers. James stood confused as to why Ben decided to do what he did. As he looked slightly down at the teen, Ben looked slightly upwards at the man to greet him and simply maintained his smile.

James: W-why? Why did you decide to do this?

Ben: What? Make a scene like this? Hehe, well.. I guess I wanted to show you that people care about what it is that you do.. and I wanted you to see just why I've wanted to be all that you are for so long now.

James was shocked at Ben's heartfelt answer and couldn't help but want to shed a tear from it, but he managed to keep his composure on account of being in front of a crowd. As Ben released his hold on James' wrist, he turned to face James once again.

Ben: Man, James, I really owe ya one for saving me there.

James: Oh... It's nothing really. Like I said, I was just planning on bringing you more of the bear, but that was when I saw the commotion. When I came to see what exactly was going on, I saw a Mimicker about to eat you, and well, I wasn't just gonna let you get eaten.

Ben: Hehe, I'm sure glad you didn't let that happen. I mean, I'm sure I look pretty tasty, but that doesn't mean I'm down to get devoured!

James: Ok, do you always have to make a joke out of everything?

Ben: Why wouldn't I? If there's any way to lighten a mood, it's a good joke, right?

James: I guess... Anyways, back to what I was meaning to tell you... I did just as I said I would and continued to take into account the question that you asked, and I think that I've finally made up my mind on an answer...

Knowing exactly what question James was referring to, Ben became both overly anxious and excited about what James' answer might be.

James: My final answer to you, Ben, is...

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