Lack of Excitement

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As Ben made his way up the fairly short staircase, he slowly turned to his left and faced the doorway to a room that he began to slowly walk towards. Once he had reached the very front of the doorway, he rested his hand on the knob and slowly turned until the door had finally granted him entry to the room behind it. Inside was a bed in the opposite corner of the room with a window to its left and a black and white target on the wall above it that was way too worn to be any amount of new. As Ben closed the door behind him, he took off his white t-shirt and simply dropped it onto the floor, exposing the rest of his tanned body as well as a six pack that seemed as though it had been chiseled from stone. He then plopped himself on the rickety bed face first and turned over slowly with him laying back first on the bed and staring up at the ceiling that laid above him.

Ben: Yeah, sure, I'm happy about how things are now. I mean, why wouldn't I be? I've got everything I need: A family, a home, food to eat, clothes... At the same time, though, it still feels like there's something I'm missing... It's like I'm without purpose... Sure, this world is a lovely looking place, but it's so dull... At least, it is unless you're one of them.. like him... Maybe one day, I'll be that way...

As Ben finished his thoughts, he rolled over onto his arm which rested on a soft and tiny pillow that he had and slowly closed his eyes together until he had finally fell sound asleep. About three hours had passed until Ben was abruptly woken up by banging on the door. Slightly agitated that his sleep had been interrupted, he yelled back at the banging coming from his bedroom doorway.

Ben: What?!

Carter: Dinner's ready, Ben! Come on, we're waiting on you!

As he heard Carter's footsteps leave the front of the doorway, he sat up as he reminded himself of what he asked his adopted siblings to do earlier that day.

Ben: I guess I did ask them to wake me up, didn't I? Well, I guess should be getting up right about now.

As Ben slowly made his way up, he looked down at his shirt contemplating whether or not to put it on but ignored the idea and proceeded out of his room and down the steps. Once he had made it down the staircase, he turned to his right to face another doorway where the room on the other side of it was lit up. He made his way into the room where he was greeted by the sight of both children and Alexa sitting at a table with meat on each plate and three candles in the center as well as many more around the room. Alexa looked up to see Ben slowly seating himself on the other side of the rectangular table from her as she smiled.

Alexa: I was wondering when you'd wake up, Ben. You sure must've been exhausted.

Ben: Yeah, I sure was. It's like I said, that deer didn't do me any favors, today.

Alexa: Well, look at it this way: you get the last laugh because you get to eat it.

Ben: Hehe... Yeah...

As Ben picked up a piece of the deer meat that rested on the plate in front of him with his wooden fork, he placed it in his mouth and began to chew. Upon swallowing, his face was covered with a grin as he leaned back in his chair in satisfaction.

Ben: I gotta say, Alexa... You sure do know how to make some good food, but I suppose that's no news to you with how much I say that as is.

Alexa: Hehe, I'm glad you like it, Ben. Alivia. Carter. How is it?

Alivia: Super good, Mom!

Carter: Yeah, it's amazing!

Alexa: Well, I'm glad to hear it.

The group ate in silence for a moment with both Carter and Alivia shoving the food down their throat. Naturally, due to that, they were done in no time which gave them the opportunity to leave the table long before Ben and Alexa and go off to continue playing. After they had left, Ben and Alexa both continue to eat in silence for awhile longer until Alexa decided to break the silence.

Alexa: Hey, Ben?

Ben: Yeah?

Alexa: You're never really the most talkative person in the world, but you always seem to have something to say at the dinner table. Is there something on your mind?

Ben: Oh... No, I'm fine...

Alexa: Ben, you know you can't lie to me. Tell me what's going on.

Ben: I don't know... I guess... I guess I'm just getting sick of always doing the exact same thing over and over again...

Alexa: What do you mean by that?

Ben: I mean, yeah, I have everything that I need right here. There's no denying that at all. I've got a roof to live under, food on the table, clothes on my back, and even a family that cares for me. I shouldn't be unsatisfied, but...

The lack of emotional stability in Ben's voice worried Alexa quite a bit, for she never saw Ben get this emotional about anything.

Alexa: Ben, it's ok to speak your mind. I'm not gonna punish you for that. You can tell me anything, I promise.

Ben: I... I just... I wanna do something more with my life, ya know? I hate just doing the same old stuff over and over again... I wanna do something bigger... Something more.. exciting...

Alexa: Ben, you know there's nothing around here or anywhere even remotely near here that can accomplish that, though... I'm sorry that I can't tell you any different, but there truly isn't anything to choose from...

Ben: Well... There is.. one decision that I can go with...

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