Been Seeing Flashes

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Before the Mimicker could react to the sight, the wolf let out a howl that sent shockwaves throughout the entire area as James began to spin his sword around over his head in a circular motion without stop. As he did this, a cloud of snow began to slowly fathom around him as the wind began to blow it in a vortex like formation. Without a second thought, James halted the spinning of his sword with it absorbing the miniature blizzard that he had just created, and without hesitation, he pointed the sword right at the Mimicker that stood before him, which caused the blizzard that had been absorbed by the blade to launch itself directly at the Mimicker with the Mimicker screeching in pain upon impact. Just as the Mimicker began to freeze, a sudden outburst of light caused both James and Ben to become blinded for quite sometime. After awhile of seeing nothing but a blinding flash, they both finally managed to regain their sight only to find out that the Mimicker they had come across was no longer to be seen.

James: Damnit... It managed to get away... Ben, are you alright?

Ben: Oh, y-yeah, I'm fine... Thanks for saving my hide there.

James: Eh, it's no problem.

James held his hand out for Ben to take, which Ben gladly accepted as James helped him to get back up.

James: Well, that was a real turn of events, wasn't it?

Ben: Yeah, it sure was... Hey, I have a question...

James: Why do I feel like I know where this is going?

Ben: That giant creature that appeared around you... Was that your mystic beast?

James: That, it was... I am the wielder of the mystic beast known as the wolf.

Ben: The wolf? So, that's what gave you the ability to freeze that Mimicker just now?

James: You're correct on that, but the Mimicker somehow found a way to get away. The big issue with that is we have no clue where it could've possibly run off to.. and what's even worse is that it had abilities that I've never seen a Mimicker have before...

Ben: Are you referring to it's ability to transform into non-living things?

James: Yes... The fact that it can do that the way that it did shows that it's no normal Mimicker... Even more so, we don't know how to fight it for that reason... The death and destruction that it brought to this village.. is something that cannot be forgiven... Come on. We're going back to the dome.

Ben: What for?

James: To train you. The fact is if it can get away from the powers of my blade, then I'm gonna need your help taking it down, so I hope your ready for your training to get sped up by a lot.

Ben: I'm ready for anything that you can throw at me! Although, I.. have one question...

James: What's that?

Ben: How... How will you know when you're ready to get a blade?

James: Why have you suddenly been thinking about that if you don't mind me asking?

Ben: Well, it's just.. the moment I had before we got here.. I think might have something to do with mine...

James: Wait a minute... You don't mean to tell me you're getting flashes already, are you?

Ben: Yeah... That moment made the second time since last night that I had gotten any.. but in them.. I saw a blade that looked just like your's... The only difference is that the streaks were a different color...

James: What color were they?

Ben: I guess you could call it a gold-ish type of yellow, but I'm not a hundred percent sure. The flashes are kinda fuzzy after they happen, but they're as clear as day when they happen.

James: A gold tinted yellow... Wait.. that can't be... Follow me. We're going back now.

Ben: Uhhh... Ok, I guess.

James and Ben proceeded to make their way to the temple, and within just a few minutes, they were back, almost as if they had gained a second wind with the news that Ben had shared with James. Once they reached the mountaintop and entered, James ran over to the top left wall from the entrance of the hexagonal dome-like structure and pushed in a button that blended with the wall so well that you wouldn't be able to find it if you didn't know where it was located. As soon as he did, the center of the floor began to slide open, revealing a staircase that led directly into the mountain that rested below their feet. As Ben remained motionless at the amazing sight of what had just happened, James proceeded to merely walk down the newly revealed stairs as if he had done it thousands of times, which Ben assumed he had.

James: You coming or not?

Ben: Oh, y-yeah!

Ben quickly followed behind James as the two continued to make their way down the rocky chamber. After a bit longer of walking in the same circular, downward motion, they finally reached a piece of flooring that seemed to cover the entire inside of the portion of the mountain they were in.

Ben: Wait, this mountain's hollow?

James: It is to an extent, but it's outer area is still plenty thick enough to keep it from caving in. Trust me, I've tried. Anyways, what do you think of this place? I was planning on showing you before going to bed tonight, seeing as how this is where we sleep, but I figured now would be a good time.

Ben glanced around the room to see individual lanterns hanging all around the ceiling as a way of giving the entire place light and saw a multitude of bookshelves going across the walls, as well as a dining table and beds on opposite sides of the room. In another area of the room rested an extremely long table that had chairs surrounding it, almost as if people came to visit at times. In the center was a miniature fire pit that seemed as if it was used to cook things. Ben was in complete astonishment at the sight of all that he was seeing and almost didn't know to react to it, but before he could react at all, James spoke up.

James: Now, for my next question... Are you ready to find the reasoning behind your flashes?

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