Flaming Phantom: the Salamander

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Ben stood in anxiousness at what James had just asked, but he knew that if James was aware of why he was experiencing the flashes that he was, he had to know why.

Ben: Of course I do. I need to know what these flashes are and why they're happening.

James: Then, follow me.

Ben did as James requested and followed him over to a bookshelf where James was quick to pull off a massive book that made Ben even more curious about what the true reasoning could be behind the flashings of images he had been seeing. James would then walk over to the circular dining table that was right across the room from their beds with Ben right behind him and would plop the book down onto it, opening it immediately after. He began to scroll through page after page of what he deemed to be meaningless information for the given situation with Ben only knowing to let James do his thing. After awhile longer of scrolling through pages that seemed both new and worn, he finally came across a set of two pages, with the left one having a picture drawn of a sword with the same colored streaks as the one Ben had seen.

Ben: Hey, that's the one!

As Ben looked over at the next page, though, he saw something that brought nothing but absolute fear to his mind. On the page to the right laid a picture of the exact same amphibian-like monstrosity that Ben had seen with the sword. The very image of it made Ben take a quick step back, and noticing this, James figured it was time to tell him what he had planned on.

James: I take it that you've seen that exact monster along with the sword, yes?

Ben: Y-y-yeah... I can't say that it's a sight I enjoy, though...

James: I don't suppose seeing a giant creature that looks like it wouldn't mind taking a bite out of you would necessarily amaze you, but trust me when I say that seeing that creature is far more of a blessing than it could ever be a curse.

Ben: W-w-what do you mean by that?

James: The exact blade you've been seeing in your flashes.. that's the beast that goes with it...

Ben: Wait.. r-r-really?

James: Ben, allow me to introduce you to the mystic beast known as the flaming phantom, a.k.a, the Salamander.

Ben: So, that thing is my mystic beast?

James: It's seeming like there's a very high chance of that being the case. If you've already gotten to see both the sword and the salamander, chances are it's probably already chosen you, which honestly, is astonishing.

Ben: Why do you say that?

James: In the history of the Monster Hunters, no one has ever been chosen by the salamander... As a matter of fact, it's gained a reputation for being the most terrifying mystic beast of them all.. so the fact that it chose you says an awful lot...

Ben: I'm not entirely sure whether to take that as a compliment or an insult.. or both.

James: Hehe, it's a compliment, trust me. Anyways, what're we waiting for? It's time for you to get some more training in! Come on, up we go!

Ben: Oh, yes, of course!

James and Ben both began to make their way back up the spiral staircase that led to the training area above. Once they had gotten there, James continued to make his way over to the fifth test's circular platform, which confused Ben, for the platform had absolutely nothing on it.

Ben: I take it this is the concentration test?

James: That's correct. I want you to simply sit down with both of your legs crossed and meditate for a total of ten minutes. This will help with your overall concentration and state of mind.

Ben: Alright, I can do that!

Ben sat with his legs crossed together in the middle of the platform and began to clear his mind of any and all thoughts as he started to doze off into the depths of his own mind. Minutes passed by like seconds with him in this state, and before he knew it, he was all done. As he opened his eyes, he saw James stepping in front of him, signaling for Ben to stand, which he quickly did.

Ben: Hey, James, if you don't mind me asking, what part of that makes it your favorite piece of training?

James: It's the part that leads to your sixth, and true final piece of training... You have to do combat with me.

Ben: Wait, what did you just say?! I have to fight you?!

James: Yep, that's right... Now, do it!

Before Ben could even react, James swung his fist straight into his gut, forcing a few coughs out of Ben. Before Ben could even process the first strike, James quickly jumped his knee up and into his gut the same exact way he did his fist and threw Ben down and onto the ground. As Ben looked up at James in more than slight pain, James held out his hand for Ben to take, which he inevitably did. After helping Ben, who was still gripping at the sides of his stomach, stand back up, James was unable to do anything but stare at him with just one thought in mind.

James: I don't want you to think that I'm trying to be an asshole to you or anything like that, Ben. I just want to be able to teach you all that you need to know to survive...

Ben: I know, James, and as painful as a lot of it may be, that's why I appreciate it all so much. I know that you're just looking out for me in the long run.

James: It's just that you have to fight like your very life depends on you winning.. because one day, it will... Anyways, we can go off to bed if you'd like. It's been a tiring day, after all.

Ben: Yeah, as much as I hate to admit it, I could use a bit of sleep.

James: Then, let's go... I'd like to get up early to continue your training.

Ben: Alright, that makes sense.

The two began to make their way down into the hidden room that rested inside the mountain as the moon and stars all began to light up the sky like spots of paint on a blank canvas. Meanwhile, in the middle of a forest, the same giant Mimicker that James had nearly frozen to death began to shed it's skin, and once it had done so completely, it seemed as though it was already an inch or so taller than before. Just before continuing to make it's way through the forest, it let out an amplified screeching noise that seemed as if that was it's way of saying it would be coming for James and Ben again. Back at the mountain, Ben was already sound asleep with James still laying in bed on his left side, staring at the wall, almost as if that were his way of showing that he was thinking about something.

James: Should I tell him? No... No, I can't... He'd hate my guts if he knew what I did... I can't let him find out... I have to keep it a secret...

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