Home Not So Sweet Home

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As soon as Ben walked through the door and hung up his satchel in it's usual spot next to the front door, he realizes that there's no sign of his two younger siblings running to greet him like usual. Slightly confused, he hollers his phrase again out of assuming that they may have simply not heard him.

Ben: Hey, guys, I'm home!

Even after Ben's second stating of the announcement, there was still no sign of a single soul coming to greet him.

Ben: That's odd... They're never in bed this late. At least, they aren't to my knowledge. Maybe that's it, though... Maybe they're just sleeping in. I mean, I can't quite say that I'd blame them, to be honest. I'd sleep as much as I could if I was able to sleep this late.

As Ben began to make his way through the hallway, he took a sharp turn to face the stairway that led up to the second floor. He began to slowly make his way up the creaking stairs as the silence that surrounded him in the house began to grow more and more unsettling by the second. Once he reached the top of the steps, he immediately turned to his right to face a door that was directly across from his own. He gave a slight knock on the door but received no answer.

Ben: Carter?! Alivia?! Are you guys in there?! I'm coming in!

Upon giving his fair warning of entry, Ben slowly opened the squeaky sounding door only to see a room with two empty beds with the padding that was on them torn to shreds. As Ben began to slowly examine the slashes that were in both paddings, he began to realize that the marks weren't familiar to him.

Ben: What the hell could've made these? Better yet.. what does this mean in terms of where everyone is?

As Ben exited his siblings' room, he began to slowly make his way to Alexa's room until he heard a thud coming from downstairs. He peered down the staircase to see that there was a tiny hint of lighting coming from the kitchen.

Ben: Alexa? Carter? Alivia? Are you guys down there?

As the silence maintained it's existence throughout the home, Ben decided to check the kitchen in an attempt to find out where everyone was. As he began to make his way down the stairs, the idea of the noise in the kitchen having to do with the claw markings on his siblings' beds worried him, for he was truly clueless as to what he was gonna be greeted by once he entered the room. As he reached the bottom of the staircase and in front of the kitchen doorway, he gently put his ear up against the door in an attempt to listen for anything going on inside. Upon hearing absolutely nothing, he decides to yell out for his family once more.

Ben: Alexa? Are you guys in there? I'm coming in.

Upon making his announcement, Ben slowly creeped the door open as he began to be met with more and more light the further open the door became. Once he opened the door entirely and his eyes had finished adjusting to the immense light from all the candles that made the kitchen brighter than any other room in the house, he noticed that Alexa happened to be standing right next to the kitchen counter with her simply looking down at a knife that was resting on it.

Ben: Oh, hey there, Alexa. You, uhhh.. didn't answer when I hollered for any of you. Is everything alright?

Even with Ben now standing just a few feet away from Alexa, she continued to stare down at the knife on the counter without giving even the slightest response to what Ben had said.

Ben: Alexa? Hey, Alexa, talk to me. I know that you're hearing me. Quit ignoring me and actually talk, please!

Having yelled his final statement, Alexa had finally granted Ben her attention as she slowly glanced up at her adoptive son with what seemed like absolutely no emotion in her eyes.

Ben: Ummm... Alexa, what's with that look in your eyes? That's kinda freaky, I'm not gonna lie. Are you sure you're doing alri-

Before Ben could even allow the final word to escape his breath, Alexa picked up the knife sitting on the counter and threw it at Ben with him barely having enough time to dodge it. As Ben turned to his right, he was greeted by the handle of the knife Alexa had just thrown coming out of the kitchen door right next to his face. Upon seeing the sight, he couldn't help but gulp at the idea that he almost just had a knife go through his face, and as he slowly turned back to face Alexa, he didn't know whether to have fear or confusion consume his being.

Ben: Ummm... Alexa... Look, whatever I did wrong.. we can talk about it, alright? Just calm down so we can sort this out like grown ups, ok?

Before Ben could make another move, Alexa charged and quickly pounced on him which forced him to fall to the ground. With Ben on the ground and Alexa on top of him, she began to try to almost take bites out of him which made him panic even more.

Ben: Alexa, what the hell is wrong with you?! I know I'm not the best person in the world, but what did I do to deserve to get attacked like this?!

Ben managed to get his feet in between him and Alexa, and he would use them to push Alexa off of him, allowing him to make his way back to his feet. Although, as soon as he got up, Alexa quickly attempted to pounce on him again, but he was just as quick to dodge it, causing her to run into the wall that was behind him. As Ben was attempting to back up to where his satchel hung so he could grab his dagger, Alexa broke a piece of wood off of the staircase and began to charge at Ben with it. As she began to charge at Ben, he quickly tried to get his knife from his satchel but was too slow as Alexa swung the piece of wood and hit Ben directly in the side of the head, causing him to become more than a bit off balance. As he was attempting to get back up, Alexa grabbed him by his hair and threw him through the front door and onto the street, startling everyone around them. As Ben began to attempt to force himself back onto his feet, he noticed that Alexa was slowly making her way back over to him.

Ben: Wh-what the hell's gotten into you, Alexa? This.. isn't like you...

Just as it seemed as though Alexa was within striking distance, he noticed a slight faded movement zoom past Alexa from behind her with the back of Alexa's neck spewing out blood as she fell to the ground.

Ben: N-n-no...

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