Blades of the Mystic Beasts

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As the two continued walking, James became slightly confused as to what Ben could've possibly meant with the question that he had just asked.

James: I'm not sure I get what you're asking, Ben?

Ben: What I mean is like, what's so special about your sword?

James: Well, why do you believe there's anything special about it?

Ben: Well, it just seems awfully special, I guess. I mean, it has two white streaks going down it with symbols carved in both of them, and that's not something I have personally ever seen on a sword before.

James: Oh... I guess you're far more observant than I thought...

As soon as James realized that Ben really did notice that something was different about his sword, he slowly pulled it out of the holster he had going down his back and began to hold it in a way that seemed as though he was trying to show it off to Ben.

James: This, right here, is honestly just a sword.

Ben: Wait, it is? But, it looks like there's so much specialness to it with the streaks and symbols on it.

James: Well, that's because while this may just be a sword, what makes it special is what you can do with it...

Ben's interest had been piqued by James' last statement, and without a second thought, he remained silent and continued to listen to what his new mentor had to teach.

James: With this sword in my hands, I'm able to call upon the powers of the mystic beast that chose me to wield it's abilities.

Ben: Wait, what exactly do you mean by that?

James: I figured I'd have to go into further detail... Well, essentially, when it comes to being a Monster Hunter, you have to come to accept the fact that there are some monsters out there that you simply can't take down with what life's given you physically to work with. That's where your sword, as well as the beast that comes with it, comes into play. When a beast has chosen you to wield it's blade, you become the host for that beast; therefore, the creature will grant you special abilities that are exclusive to it and it's blade. At one point, every Monster Hunter held one, but that changed over time... As the Monster Hunter population slowly withered down to just me, all of the other blades have went missing as well, never to be seen again.

Ben: Man, that's so cool! When do I get to have one?!

James: Well, Ben.. that's where your training comes into play. Over time, you'll come to learn just what your creature may be, and once you've been granted the power of the blade that coexists with whatever beast chooses you, then, and only then, will you be gifted with the title of "Monster Hunter."

Ben: Man... I gotta say, that sure is a whole lot to take in... So, I can pretty much become chosen by some mystical beast that grants me magical powers. Is that what you're trying to tell me?

James: Well.. yes.. but it's a lot cooler than how you put it.

Ben: Oh, alright... Wait, what's that supposed to mean?!

James: Take it however you wish.

Just as James could finish what he was saying, he stopped in front of the bottom of a mountain as Ben stood confused.

Ben: Ummm, why did we stop?

James: This is where we stop.

Ben: Wait, right here?

James: Yep. Nowhere else. Right here. Well, I'm sorry, we do "technically" go somewhere else, but it's up there.

James points towards the top of the mountain that he and Ben both remained in front of, and as Ben looked up to where James was pointing, he noticed just how tall the rocky hill standing before them was and had to put all of his energy into making sure his jaw kept from hitting the floor.

Ben: Wait, so you're saying we have to.. climb.. that?

James: Yep. That's the one. Why, you're not scared of climbing a mountainside, are you, Ben?

Ben: What?! O-of course not! I just... I just thought that maybe there was a.. quicker way, ya know? Maybe one that doesn't involve climbing.. so high up...

Ben's gulp after speaking made it clear to James exactly what it was that the young teenager was fearful of and would begin to make an effort to calm him down.

James: Look, I'm telling you, you climb up this mountain a few times, and I promise your fear of heights will disappear faster than I can snap my fingers. You can do this. Besides, you won't fall.

Ben: H-how can you be so sure of that?

James: Well, I'll go up behind you so that way if you do somehow manage to fall, I'll be right below you to catch you.

Ben: Do you honestly think that you could catch me if I began to fall?

James: Of course! I've got more strength than what that grip showed off, ya know.

Ben: Oh, yes, of course, sir! I'm very sorry for questioning your judgement, I shouldn't have done that! Please forgive me!

Ben bowed in front of James which made James both humored and slightly annoyed due to the fact that Ben was taking a tiny misjudgment so seriously.

James: Ok, first of all, you can quit with all of that sir bullshit. My name is James, and your name is Ben, ok? Ok. That is what we will call each other. Secondly, it's ok. I would rather you question any decision I make that you feel unsure of rather than just following me blindly into stuff. Why? Well, because that's a really easy to get yourself killed. The fact is that if you don't question people every once and awhile, they'll just end up dragging you down at some point, but all life lessons aside, are you ready to climb?

Ben: Uhhh... I... I guess so...

James: Great! Well, you know the drill! You first!

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