chapter 2

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Bea’s POV

          It’s been ten years since Toby left me, ten years since we talked.  Ten years since my parents and brother died!  I’m moving to my sixth foster home in Chicago yay *noted sarcasm*. My new foster parents names are Marcus and Hailey my social worker said that they are really nice but I’ll believe it when I see it because my last foster father raped me so… whatever! I guess I am going to a new school in the area which is called Divergent High and some kid named Al is going to show me around the school I hope he is nice because if he is mean I swear to god I will kick him where the sun does not shine!

                   ………..TIME PASS………………

I’m getting ready to walk into the school when I see those captivating blue eyes that I could get lost in, the ones I have been wishing to see for the past ten years! OMG… he’s walking towards me I hope he will remember me.

All the questions going through my mind are,

Did he keep his promise?

Does he still love me?

Does he even remember me?

I get snapped back into reality when he pushes me down and says “starring is not nice stiff” before he walked away I said “I may have 99 problems but you sure as hell won’t be one Tobias” he looks at me and says “how do you know my name?” I just smirk and say “that’s for me to know and you to fine out”

I walk away and a girl comes up to me and says “you must be crazy to talk to four like that” I cut her off by saying “your damn right I’m crazy” I start to laugh after that and she joins in and says “I think we are going to be great friends by the way my name is Christina but you can call me Chris.” “My name is Tris but please call me six” “Hey six can I see your time table?” “sure Chris” I hand her my time table and she squeals “OMG we have all the same classes oh by the way you should meet my friends and sit with us at lunch!” all I say is “ok sure”


Toby POV

          When I get back to Zeke and Uriah the Pedrad brothers they ask me what’s wrong and I say “the Stiff  knows my real name” they are the only other ones that know my real name they look at me in shock and say “What about that girl that your always talking about the one that you used to be like best friends with ? “Wow I never thought of that but she looks so different now that I’m thinking she did have the same eyes the ones that are so captivating”


          Six POV

           I’m so nervous it’s the time I finally get to meet my foster parents, recently I’ve been having flashbacks of what happened at my old house ugg wherever I go something bad has to come of it. “Hi Beatrice” my social worker says “its six now and lets go I want to meet my new foster family!” “Ok ha, ha at least your excited this time six!” I walk inside the house and see a lady that I presume to be Hailey and a man next to her that I’m thinking is Marcus “Hi Marcus and Hailey” yes I was right they say “Hi you must be Beatrice” “Yep that’s me but can you please call me six” “Ok we will” Marcus smiles that fake smile that I know too much about “well six I’m going to go if you need anything you know my number! Bye.”  “Bye” Marcus still has that fake smile that is creeping me out so I say “ I’m going to bed goodnight guys” “night” they both yell.

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