chapter 9

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Tris Pov

I can't believe she just said that she just lied and said that I seduced Marcus and ended up getting pregnant, wow what a sister she is *noted sarcasm*. That's when I get fed up I'm done being pushed around if she doesn't want me to be her sister any more than I won't....

Uriah Pov

I know chrissy is lying but I don't want to ruin our friend ship so I just let it go and I guess tris go she walks into her room and takes her bag and pack her things and leaves her phone but not before writing a note to chrissy's parents I'm the only one that followed her into her room she turns around and says "you know Uri I love you, you are just like my real brother but I have to go I don't want to stay a place where I'm not welcome tell chrissy that if she doesn't want me here than I won't be and what she said is not true, Marcus got drunk and beat and raped me she knows that but I guess she doesn't want me here so ill leave love you Bro" I walk back into the recording studio and everyone looks at me but I don't mind I get up in Christina's face and say "Tris told me to tell you that if you didn't want to be sisters that she would not stay where she wasn't welcome and you lied to all of our friends she was raped and you know it! By the way she left and I don't know if or when she is coming back heck I have no Idea where she is going!"

Tris Pov

I get my bag and I go down stairs and get in the car and drive to the airport to go to the only other place I know the only family I have left.

>>>>>>>Time pass to getting off plane>>>>>>

I wait for my Grandpa Bob to get to the airport to pick me up. Then I finally see his car I run up to him and give him a hug and he says "little Bea, what did they do to you?" I reply by saying "they left me they made me lose the real me and I'm ready to get it back" he says "you get your wish, now Is there any place you wanna go before we go home" I nod and say "warrior" he knows what I mean...

Toby pov

We look around to see If there are any pictures or notes to give us a clue of where she went that's when I see it she looks like she is a seven year in this picture that's when I see it..


Me and Bea are in Texas and we are in a barn and her grandpas horse just had a baby and Grandpa bob gave her that horse and I'm helping her name it I am saying off names


"No it needs to be like a tough name"

That's when I think of the name and I tell her because it's perfect


She just shouts "YASS it perfect" she goes up to the horse and says "we will be great partners we will win competitions because together we will be warriors I love you!"


That's when I blurt out "I know where she went but we should let her be for a couple of days because she only goes to this place when she doesn't feel wanted and is about to shatter into a million pieces" the gang all looks at me then Uriah pulls me into the bathroom and says "where is she? I won't tell the gang" I tell him that she is in Texas and he gets a plane ticket off his phone and says "cover for me I'm going to pack make sure Zeke doesn't leave until I text you that I'm at the airport!" I nod a little while later Uriah texted and he said that he is getting on his flight that he would see us a little while later I tell him ok..

Tris pov

The next day I wake up and I see that im with warrior and I smile I get a saddle and put it on him I lead him to the training rink and ride him around for a little then I lead him back to the barn and put my old trick riding saddle on him and lead him back out to the arena and I say to him "come on boy we are warriors now let's do this like we did the last time" he starts to run and I stand up on his back and put my arms out like I'm flying and then I sit back down and put my foot up in the air and flip upside down to let my hair hang down and touch the ground that I missed so much! The last trick I do is, I stand up on warriors back and do a back flip off him I messed up on my signature move I'm expecting to hit the hard ground when a man catches me but it's not just any man it's..........

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