chapter 8

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Tris Pov (still in coma)

I'm in a dark room and I yell out when I hear a voice not just a voice three. I know those "MOM, DAD, CALEB WHERE ARE YOU?"

I hear my mom's voice again "turn around sweetie" I turn around and see them I run up and hug them and say "am I dead" Caleb responds "no, not exactly you have a choice to make" "what he is saying is you have a choice to die and stay with us, or go back to the other people that love you" My dad says and then shows Toby crying over my bed then Chrissy crying in the corner and will comforting her then Marlene crying and Uriah on the floor crying Zeke next to him then theirs Shauna she is crying In a corner then mark and Lena they are hugging each other saying "I can't believe anyone would do this to our daughter" I turn back to my parents and say "I'm really sorry but that's my family and I have a life to live I have a family name to carry on but I love you to the moon and back" my mom says "little Bea" then my dad says "trissy" and Caleb says "we love you, forever" and I say always that's the last I see or I hear from my family....

Toby Pov

Tris has been in a coma for three days they are pulling life support today it's pretty bad so far her heart has stopped beating twice! The dr. comes in and says any last word to you friend Beatrice the gang and I shake our heads no then the dr. pushed the off button...... the unexpected happens she shoots up and says "I love you so so much guys and mark and lena I know who did this to me"

Tris Pov

I shoot up and tell the people in my room that I love them then I tell start to tell them the story of who did this to me the person thought that I was going to die so he told me his name and whos helping him. I start to explain but before I see Al and yell "Zeke get Al and make sure he doesn't leave" they all look at me confused and he does what I say then I start "Jake my fifth foster father paired up with Al and had a plan to kill me but it looks like it didn't work" everyone looks at Al with rage

And I say "just wait for it" then Jake comes through the door "hello, Jake" all my friends look at me in shock I get up and rip all the wires out of me and get up in his face I turn and look at my friends who are staring at me and I wink to let them know that this is an act I put my hands on Jakes chest and say "I knew you would come for me" he goes to grab my hands and I grab his wrists and grab chrissy's scarf off her neck and tie his wrists together and say "oh fyi I'm not scared of either of you because you just got beat by a girl then al speaks up and says "you didn't beat me up" I get up in his face and say in a deathly tone "you'll see, I'll get you when you will at least expect it" Zeke lets go and Al runs out of the room while security takes Jake away Uriah says "damn Tris you scary *clicks tong* or nah I just laugh and say "can I speak to my social worker" they all say "ya" but didn't leave then I say "alone" they all leave except steven my social worker I say "do they know?" he shakes his head "no, they'll know soon I told the dr. not to tell them only your adoptive parents know because they read your charts" I say "ok thanks" then I hug him he is just like my brother before he died I told him that and we have been like brother and sister ever since.....

Toby Pov

Im listening to their conversation she is keeping a secrete and it's medical I wonder what it could be...

>>>>>>>>TIME PASS>>>>>>>>>>

Tris POV

The gang all came over to the house so we could play truth or dare I don' know what it could be but I feel like something bad is going to happen. When they get to the house toby starts the game "tris, truth or dare" I say dare and he says "I dare you to tell us your secrete that only steven and chris's parents know" I just stare at him and think it's time to tell them they deserve to know I stand up and go get my medical records I am forced to keep them just in case I go to jail or something I walk back into where the gang is and hand him the giant folder and say "page 36 section 3" and walk out

Toby pov (what the page says)

Inside the folder it's a note that says

Hello, I'm your doctor and I'm sorry to inform Beatrice prior and her family that she is in fact pregnant there are ways people can help her but at her interest I would get an abortion because it is likely that it will not survive she cannot have children because of her last home and I'm also sorry to inform you that she has stage three lung cancer that can be treated, again sorry to tell you all this


Doctor Sarah green

I look at the gang and they all say wow and I am thinking is who the father of the child was even though it wouldn't matter.....

Tris Pov

Im in my recording studio writing my own song and then I go to sing it when I am finished I hear the studio door being opened and the gang is standing there all I say is "that was my medical problem and I will be getting my cancer treated soon" when the group comes closer they look mad and I don't know why that's when Shauna yells at me "you cheated on four and got pregnant you're a fucking slut" Christina stands up and says "you have it all wrong ya tris was pregnant but it was not by choice it was by..........

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