Chapter 7

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Time pass 1 month later (a lot of pov changes in this chapter)

Bea Pov

          Today is my birthday the day my parents died my family died. I can’t think right now Mark and Lena (chrissys parents) let me stay home from school.

Toby Pov

           I told the gang that it was Six’s birthday today we are going to surprise her by visiting her during lunch….

Bea Pov

          Its lunch I went down stairs to get something to eat when I see all the gangs cars pull up I grab an apple and run up to my room and lock it then I go to my secret recording studio that Mark built for me, just in case I needed to get away. I hear them all come into my room and sing Happy birthday I started to cry because they can’t hear me because my family used to do that but the only other person here knows it is my birthday……Tobias

Chrissy Pov (Christina)

          My parents kept telling me that visiting her during lunch was a bad Idea I should have listened! But what I don’t understand is that Tris has been a real bitch lately when we want to do something for her like she runs away or just won’t talk like she’s frozen….

I decided that I should confront her later about her being a bitch..

Six pov

           Im sitting up in my room when chrissy storms in I say “What’s up chrissy” she responds “nothing other than your being a bitch lately like when the group and I do something for you, you run away or just stand frozen.” That’s what pushed me over the edge I didn’t want anyone knowing my problem but I kinda let it slip “have you ever thought about what month it is what day it is, why I don’t want to be around people on my birthday? Huh? No you haven’t my birthday is the day my family died and I was left to fend for myself in a orphanage” I get up and walk out because I was afraid if I stayed in there to long I would do or say something I regret so I just walk try and find some hope in why I should be alive, because it sure looks like Christina doesn’t want me alive because I’m such a bitch right.

Toby pov

          Christina just told us what she said to Bea (Toby’s the only other one that knows Six’s name) I get up and Yell “why would you call her a bitch we have no idea where she is right now” then Al speaks up “well, I may know where she is but I should be the person to go because I’m the only other person that knows about hide out!” “Ok on one condition I go with you no matter what just in case” “she won’t be happy but ok”

We get to the lake and there sits a bloody and bruised Tris I pick her up and bring her to the hospital…..

Al pov

Text message to the gang

(Al)  (GANG)

Hey umm its Six you should get to the hospital.....

OK we will be there whats wrong

I don’t respond we don’t have time the docter comes in and says “Beatrice prior” me and four both stand up the docter continued “she is ok she will wake up in a day or two do any of you know what happened to her?” we both say no but I know what happened exactly and it’s all going according to plan…   .








(Queue evil music and evil laugh)

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