Chapter 19 (the end)

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Tris pov

It is two 'o clock I have an hour until I meet the record producer! Im so excited I cant wait.....

>>>>>>>>>1hour later>>>>>>

I walk into the building and see the secretary she looks up from the computer and smiles at me. "hello I assume you are Tris Prior."

"you have that correct and I am here to talk to Mathew about getting a record deal" she stands up and motions for me to follow behind her. We get to a door and she says "this is the room he is in good luck on getting the record deal!"

I walk into the room where a man is sitting and he stands up and introduces himself as matthew I smile and say "it's a pleasure to meet you." He smiles and says "now lets have you sing for the record deal" I smile and start to sing warrior by Demi lavoto

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>time pass till after song>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

After the song he stands up clapping he smiles and then says "you my good friend have a record deal" I scream and he laughs....

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>five years later>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is it my last tour. I guess I should fill you in on somethings me and Toby are still going strong, as for our friends they wont talk to me anymore because they think I love my job over them but in reality they were my world my family but I have my own family now Toby, me , and my Daughter Alexandria but Alex for short. I adopted her. She is my princess which makes Tobias my king and me well I think you get the point. This is the most happiest ending I could get but then I remember, a strangely comforting thought trickled through me-I had nothing, so I could do anything now. Anything I wanted. I had nothing left to lose."

Those words. These words. Can inspire many people, But now its time to live out my life riding on the words that inspire us, or me, and especially YOU.

The End.


Thank you for reading I hope you liked it comment and tell me what I can do to inprove my writing skills.

Loves ya,


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