chapter 3

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Me and Toby are having a sleep over tonight YESS I love it when we have sleep over's! We stayed up till' 5 O'clock in the morning and then fell asleep when I woke up I felt a cold substance fall on to me then I remember it's ice water we have been dumping water on each other since we were four I yell at Toby and he's laughing so hard that I don't even think he was listening. He was snapped out of his laughing fit when his dad burst through the door and said "we are moving in two days" that's all he said and when he left I had tears in my eyes and Toby said I guess we will have to make the best of The two days and I agreed.


It's been the best two days Toby could have gave me, we just got done packing the car with his stuff so he could move when it's almost time for him to leave he puts a locket in my hand and says "I have had this for a couple years and I was going to wait till we were sixteen to give this to you" I open it it's a picture of me and him kissing by the pond in my backyard he continues what he was saying by making me promise him that I will not date anyone else while he is away and if we ever see each other again we will give each other a chance no matter what the circumstances are! "Thank you Bea for our little infinity I love you" Those were the last words I heard from him that day! I was waiting on Toby's old porch for my family to pick me up, when we got into the car we started talking and the least expected thing happened a drunk driver hit us head on and killed my family, he killed the only thing I had left! I lost my Toby that day and my family why did I survive it's all my fault they left me all of them every single one of them left because of me.


I'm at my fifth foster home, hopefully this will be the last! I'm sitting in my new room when my new foster father comes in and shuts and locks the door I start to get nervous he comes up to me and starts to kiss me and I start to squirm to get out of his grip he says "stop squirming and it won't be as bad Sweetie" That night I lost my virginity to my foster father the only reason my social worker found out was because my foster dad sat on my phone and butt dialed his number he is now in jail thank god because if he had gotten away with it I probly would have wanted to die more than I already do...

****** FLASHBACK OVER*****

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