Chapter 6

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Six Pov

I am sitting in science class and that's when my phone rings I answer the

(Tris) (Unknown)

Hello is this Beatrice prior

This is she

The group just looks at me funny then the man talks again

I'm making this call regarding your house placement as far as the social works we will have to send you back to your fifth foster home

That's when I get up and walk out I am shaking not because of fear but of anger because they know what they did but they still are sending me back

No I will not go back there

I'm sorry ms.prior but you have no choice you have a week left in chicgo then you have to go back to Cali I'm sorry good bye

That's when I lose it I punch the locker then the gang comes and asks me what's wrong all I say before running out is "I have to go back to hell" I run to my hiding place the only place that I feel happy. The only place that I feel free and escape the hell that I have to go back to.

Toby Pov

We knew that six needed some space so we sat in the lunch room wondering what she meant by I have to go back to hell that's when it hit us all like a ton of bricks we say it all at the same time "the fifth foster home"

Al Pov

I see a small blonde figure running she has tears down her face something tells me I need to follow her I get in my car and drive after her she takes off her shirt and pants and jumps in the lake she stays under water for a while then swims back up and yells "hey what are you doing here" I yell back "hey I saw you running and I thought you might need someone to talk to" she says "no just needed some time alone" then she gets out and puts on her clothes and starts to run while she's running away she yells "thanks for the talk Al see you at hell" (school that's what six calls high school) I get in the car and drive away.


I run to Chrissy's house and walk in, I see the gang in the living room of her house so I decide to be funny and I yell "What up bitches" they all laugh and say "there's the Six I know and love" I start to laugh that's when chissy speaks up and says "not to be rude or anything but why are you soaking wet and standing in my living room" Zeke being the stupid guy he is he yells "That's what she said" we all laughed and I see chrissy's parents I walk over to them because they are like my real parents they actually love me and trust me I say "hey guys umm, can I talk to you" they say "sure, what's up" "as you know I am moving in a week" they say "no we didn't know you were moving where are you going" "hell" I say laughing and they know about my past so join in and I walk away I tell the group im going home they say buy six see you later. When I get home I go into my secret recording studio because Hailey is letting me stay she said that she wanted me to stay but she just didn't have enough money to support both of us I just let go of all my feelings and sing a song that reminds me of my parents and brother and their death because I know that no matter what they will be safe and sound. I start to sing safe and sound

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Time pass till end of week>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Today I face hell all over again (not school) I get to the airport and all my friends are there Christina,shauna, and marlene were crying their eyes out then theirs four/Tobias he comes up to me and kisses me and it's like time stopped around us and someone set off fireworks I say "wow ok, but any way this is not a goodbye it's just a simple see you later alright I have notes for everyone you can read them when they call my plane so you can't come after me" they look at me confused that's when my plane gets called "FLIGHT 46 TO CALIFORNIA" I say "well guys that's my call see you later I will call you and skype you all I can I love you all" I get on my plane when my phone goes off

(Social worker) (Tris)

Hey six, have you gotten on the plane yet?

Just got on why?

Get off the plane ill have them send back your luggage!

Ok? Why again?

Youll see just get off now

I get off the plane and I see Steven my social worker he yells "you have a family" I'm shocked "what? Well lets go" I practically scream when we start to drive I see all the houses that are my friends when we get to the one I know the most I gasp "Chrissy" she comes out and does the same thing I did but she said "welcome home sis"



Hey guys I love it when you give me feedback on the story even if it's bad because then I can try to fix it so please comment!! If you have a problem with the story please tell me..

Loves ya,


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