Chapter 10

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Tris pov


It's just not any man it's.....

*****Recap over*****

Uriah! I jump down from his arms and act like I'm not surprised that he's here "thank you for catching me" he smiles and says "it was my pleasure little sis now do I get a hug or am I not welcomed" little does he know I taught warrior to hug people, I know not very warrior like but I was eight don't judge I whistle and warrior runs up to Uriah and hugs him I only whistle when I/ someone needs a hug. I laugh when warrior hugs Uriah, Uriah looks at me and sends me a death glare then I go and lead warrior to the barn and put him away then I run up to Uriah and hug him he says "that's better and I didn't know that you rode horses" I smile and look at the ground "I do in Texas I'm famous for my riding I came here to get my mind off things and to compete again! The move that I messed up on was actually my signature move nobody and I mean nobody will attempt to jump off the back of a moving horse except me." Then the question I dreaded came "where did you get your horse and how did you come up with the name warrior?" "um four actually helped me name him when I was seven and I got him from my grandpas horse a week after my parents died" he looks at me and asks "why didn't the system put you with your real family?" I take a breath and say "wasn't allowed apparently I don't have a choice where I go they always told me he wasn't stable but right now I'm not stable I guess we switched places" he looked shocked and he says "what's wrong why aren't you stable?" I feel tears gather into my eyes he just hugs me and I sob into his chest "I can't have kids I can't carry on my parents name and I have stage three lung cancer" "I know, I know it's going to be ok now let's go home" I wipe my tears he is getting into my grandpas car but I yell "Hey" he turns around "I am going to take warrior home hold on we'll race" he laughs and I smirk

>>>>>>>>>TIME PASS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

We are back at the house and I'm brushing warrior out and Uri is pouting while watching me brush him out "what are you pouting about Mr. grumpy-pants?" he then says "you did not win" I laugh and say sarcastically "ya and you're the smartest person on the planet" he smiles and says "why thank you ma lady" in a funny British accent. We walked into the house and fell asleep. That night I fell asleep happy for a change.

Toby Pov

Tomorrows the day we are going to see tris and Uriah in Texas I'm nervous I don't know what happened or if she'll forgive us. to get my mind off of things I decided to call Grandpa bob to let him know that we are coming down. (Grandpa Bob) (Four)

Hey grandpa bob, This is Toby

Oh hello Toby I haven't heard from you in what 11 years or so

Ya about that me and my friends are coming down to apologize to Bea

Oh that's great you can see her compete tomorrow you can sit by me and you're friend Uriah.

That would be great see you tomorrow

***End of call***

>>>>>>>>Time pass>>>>>>>>>

We just got off the plane and Grandpa Bob is picking us up and taking us to the competition I hope she does good...

Tris Pov

Today's the day I get the real me back! I am getting ready for the competition when Grandpa Bob said that he had to go and to get to the competition I had to take warrior.

Toby Pov

We are sitting by Grandpa Bob and uriah and waiting on Tris's name to be called that's when we hear it "please welcome our home town best Beatrice Prior and her horse warrior" everyone is cheering when tris comes out.

Tris pov

I take a deep breath now's my time I saddle up on warrior and whisper to him "come on boy we got this, let's show them how it's done" we set off I block out all of the cheering and focus on me and warrior. Warrior starts off slow then he starts to full on run when he does this I turn around on my saddle and ride backwards I smile and put my hands up in the air I flip back around I do some other tricks then I wink at my grand pa because he knows what's coming next that's when the announcer says "is the home town girl going to do her famous trick?" I smile and stand on the back of warrior and do a back flip off of him and I stick the landing I call over warrior and start to cry not sad tears but happy tears this is what I was missing this is what I needed someone runs out to me and picks me up I see it's Will, Zeke, Uriah, and Toby. I laugh then say "put me down I can walk and Four someone wants to see you" he smiles and walks over to warrior that's when I see Christina she walks up to me and says "I'm so sorry" I look at her and shake my head I say "what happened to forever,huh?" she just looks at me and I decide to tell her what I have been planning to do for a while "I have started the process of getting emancipated I have told our or your parents" she looks at me shocked and tears gather in her eyes she says "no please don't I need you I was just jealous I kept thinking that you were going to take me away from my parents" I walk away not knowing if she was telling the truth I walk up to my grandpa and sit by him on the bleachers he says "so, those are the people who took away the real little Bea" I laugh and say "you know that nobody and I mean nobody calls me by Bea anymore I only let you and my social worker call me that if my friends ever call me that I would probly hit them" he laughs and says "looks like you won another comp. you happy" I look at him then the announcer says "would Beatrice Prior come to the arena please" I look at my grand pa and say "I'm going to do something that I never thought I would do" he looks at me funny then I walk to the arena and I grab the microphone and say "alright so everyone knows me here as Tris, bea , or Beatrice and I have won many awards and I hate to see people upset and I really believe that everyone in this room is a winner so will everyone please stand up" they all stand up and walk up to a girl that looks just like me and put the microphone to her and say "you are a winner just like everyone eles what is your name?" "my name is Trina" I look at her and hand her the trophy and smile then say "you need this more than I do I already have my trophy" she smiles and says "thank you" I walk to the barn and see all my friend talking to warrior and Zeke runs up to me and says "how do you make him hug you?" I laugh and whistle and warrior comes Zeke my Family laughs and says "you have some problems zeke" he just smiles that goofy smile of his and says "I know I do" that's when I yell "Candor Or Dauntless The barn by my Grandpas house race you there"

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