3. Jason's House

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I met up with Daniel outside the school gates, we both had History last thing. Maggie wasn't in our class so we had to wait for her.

"Is that... Maggie?" Daniel asked me, pointing over at two girls. One was definitely Maggie but the other looked nothing like her. She was wearing a plum coloured dress, a short denim jacket and some black ankle boots.

"I think so, but why is she with that other girl?" I replied, obviously as confused as Daniel was. I didn't know Maggie was friends with any of the popular people.

"I'm going to find out," Daniel told me, then proceeded to walk over to them. God, does he ever leave her alone!

"Wait Daniel! she's seen us," I hurried over to him. Maggie had turned and seen Daniel walking over to her and her friend; she said a hurried goodbye to her and rushed to join us.

The second she arrived Daniel started bombarding her with questions, "who is she? How do you know her?" he asked and then, because he is Daniel, asked, "Is she good in bed?"

Maggie gave him a disgusted look and stormed off in the direction of the school gates. He rushed to catch up with her, "What?," he said, "none of us know which way you swing. its a valid question."

"Jason, can we just get to your house." Maggie pleaded, so I lead her and Daniel to my car. It wasn't a great car but at least it wasn't neon pink like some weirdos in our school had.

They climbed in, Daniel in the front and Maggie in the back, and we drove to my house. They were acting like children so I made them split up, but Daniel called shotgun and got the front seat.

My house was in the run down part of town and I could see them both out of the corner of my eye, giving me odd glances.

We pulled into my driveway and walked to my house. It was painted white but it was flaking off and peeling away in places. You could see the mould running down the wall from the gutters and the door was a faded red.

I let them in, and when they say the inside of my house they were amazed. It is decorated nicely and has photos hanging all over the walls. There is not a lot of furniture but what we have is good enough.

I showed them round and made us all some drinks and food, we took it up to my room and started out project.

"Maggie, you are uncharged off looking up fact and useful info," I told her, handing her my laptop. "Daniel you start making a draft essay plan and I will help you add more and fix stuff."

They both nodded and we got on with our work. After about an hour we needed more drinks so I went down to make them.

I could hear voices as I approached my door, when I opened it I was met with the most shocking thing I have ever seen... Daniel and Maggie kissing!

# Maggie's P.O.V # (from her leaving school)

I was late meeting Daniel and Jason because out class over ran, and then Lucy asked me to go to her locker with her.

We caught up on all that had happened since we last saw each other, "Maggie who is that person walking over you us?" she asked.

I turned to see Daniel with a confused expression on his face running over to me.

"Shit, I forgot. I have to go finish a science thing after school today. ill see you later. bye!" I rushed and then shoved her away from me.

I walked calmly over to Daniel and Jason. "who is she? How doyou know her?... is she good in bed?" Daniel hurriedly asked me. I gave him a disgusted look and walked towards Jason's car. "What, we don't know what way you swing. It's a valid question." Daniel tried to defend himself.

I just walked over and got into Jason's car.

It took us about fifteen minutes to get there, it was in the bad part of town. Me and Daniel made eyecontact and exchanged a look that said 'why are we here?'

When we got into his house Jason gave me his laptop and I started looking up stuff. After an hour or so Jason left to make some food and Daniel came to sit be me.

"So... Who was that girl with you today?" He asked.

"My f..friend." I stuttered, trying to get him to leave me alone.

"See, the thing is Maggie, I know who you are. I know you have slept with all those people." He told me.

"Wh..what are you talking about?" I asked him, looking terrified.

"I'll make a deal with you, you be my girlfriend and I won't tell everyone." He looked at me, an evil glint in his eye.

"Fine..." I replied.

"Well, now you're my girlfriend, I think you should give me a kiss." He stuck his lip out and looked at me expectantly.

I leaned forward and kissed him, I heard the door open behind ma and tried to move. Daniel grabbed my head and held it there.

Jason called from the door, "Maggie, are you okay?"

Daniel still wouldn't let me move but told Jason, "Maggie is my girlfriend."

He let go of my face and I ran out the door and out his house. I ran to the end of the road, sat down and cried. How could I let it get to this? I had been so careful.


Its nearly Easter so I thought you guys should get a new update. ッ

Sorry if it leaves too many unanswered questions.

Question: What do you think happened?

- Just_Another_Girl_xx

***************************** (this used to be two chapters, so 2 notes)

Song of the update: You walked through the door - Josh Rouse

Hop you liked it, remember to vote, comment and share :) this book is the the wattys 2015.

Question: What is your favourite song? Mine is whichever song is on the most recent part of this.

- Just_Another_Girl_xx

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