13. Avoiding

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# Lucy P.O.V #

I'm really happy for Maggie and the fact she has found Jason but she seems to be forgetting about me. We talk in school but whenever I try to meet up afterschool she is always doing stuff with Jason. Like this weekend when I wanted to go shopping.h but she went to Jason's.

I give her a lift to school some mornings and I was waiting outside my house, it was getting late and she still haden't shown up.

Beep Beep Beep finally, it's Maggie.

'sorry, I'm running late and I just bumped into Jason so he's giving me a lift today. x'

I locked my phone and calmly got into my car, trying Nit to break anything. How could she do that? I'm going to be late for school now.

I pulled into the parking lot at the same time as someone else, Daniel. Ughh.

I glared at him and walked into school, but he called after me.

"Lucy! Lucy, hey wait." I ignored him and kept walking. He was a dick to Maggie, why would I want to talk to him?

I got into lessons and sat down next to Maggie.

"Hey," she said - I didn't answer - she had a hurt expression on her face, "I'm sorry about this morning and I know we haven't been seeing eachother as much as we used to. Do you want to get coffee after school today?" she asked me.

I still didn't answer.

"I'm paying, come on. I have loads to tell you, and you can see Diane." When she mentioned Diane I changed my mind. I love Diane she is so sweet but also really funny, way better than my two younger brothers.

"Okay, but you owe me more than one coffee." I laughed.

"Deal, how about we go to the fair this weekend?" she asked me.

"The fair is back! We have to go, remember when we used to go when we were younger." I reminisced.

"yeah, those were great times." She sighed.

"Lucy! Maggie! Listen please and stop talking." The teacher shouted, ha I didn't even know what lesson this was. Maths maybe, English. I'm not even going to pretend I know, all the lessons are the same; boring and repetitive.


It was break now and me and Maggie were outside under a tree talking.

Then Jason walked over.

"Can I borrow Maggie?" He asked.

I saw the look on her face and knew I was about to be ditched.

"Fine, off you go." I said, "but remember after school."

"I will, see you next lesson." Maggie shouted to me as she walked away with Jason.


I walked into the coffee shop and ordered a coffee and chocolate buttons. Whenever me and Maggie get coffee we order chocolate buttons, they are great for dipping in cappuccino.

I heard the door chime and looked up, it was Maggie! I wasn't expecting her to come.

She sat down opposite me, "chocolate buttons?" she questioned, a smile on her face.

"I couldn't resist," I laughed.

"Well, I'm gonna order myself some coffee, do you want to call Diane?" she asked me, passing over her phone.

"Yeah, thanks" I smiled and she walked off.

I unlocked her phone and was about to call Diane when I noticed an unread message. From Jason.

I could only see part of it but it mentioned something about the fair this weekend. Will Maggie ditch me for him?

I ignored it and called Diane, "Hello?" the voice said.

"Hey Diane, it's Lucy," I told her.

"Hey Lucy, haven't heard from you in a while. What's up?" She asked.

"Nothing much. Hey, Diane, what do you know about Jason?" I asked her.

"Not much, but I Maggie did take me to see him and his sister this weekend. Why?" she asked me.

"Just wondering, she has been spending loads of time with him recently that's all." I told her, "Well I've got to go now. I'll see you soon." I can't believe Maggie bought Diane down but didn't tell me, I didn't get the chance to see her.

"Okay, bye Lucy." She said, hanging up.

Maggie sat back down across me, I still had her phone and was one tap away from deleting the message from Jason.

I locked her phone and gave it back to her.

She put it in her pocket and smiled, "How is she?" she asked me.

"She's fine, when is she next coming down. I'd like to see her?" I asked.

You may find it weird how close I am with Diane, but I was there when Maggie first met her, I helped Maggie find her. I think of her as a little sister.

"She probably won't be able to come down for a while," she said, "she was down this weekend."

"What!" I acted surprised, "How come you didn't bring her to my house?" I asked, annoyed that she hadn't.

"I'm sorry, I took her to Jason's House. He has a younger sister and now they have friends." She told me, "I was going to take her to yours but the home wanted her back."

I understood, Maggie wasn't 18 yet so she had to do exactly what Diane care home told her to do. It was really unfair, they didn't like Maggie so they always made Diane come back early whenever they saw eachother.

"Awhh well," I said, "just make sure you bring her to mine next time."

It was quite late now so I told Maggie I had to go home, I was actually meeting up with Daniel. He said he had something important to tell me. About Jason.

I ran to his house - don't ask me how I knew where it was - and knocked on the door. He lived alone we didn't have to worry about anyone hearing. He invited me in and closed the door.


What is Jasons secret?

Could it like to Daniels text message?

Read on to find out :)

Double update because I love you guys! I got to #56 on teen fiction! Thanks everyone for reading/ voting and commenting, it makes my day.

Vote? Comment? Share? Thanks ;)

Question of the update: I just got netflix, can anyone recommend some good TV series?

Song of the update: Express Yourself - Labrinth

- Just_Another_Girl_xx

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