Halloween Bonus Chapter!!

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Maggie and Lucy were at Lucy's house getting ready for the Halloween party at Ryan house. Lucy told Jason and Tom to pick them up at seven, it was six now. Jack, Mitchell and Daniel were going to meet them all at Ryan's house an hour before the party started to help set up.

"Do you think I should go as a cat or a bride?" Lucy asked Maggie, holding up both of the outfits.

"I can't tell which is which, they are both a mini skirt and crop top." Maggie replied, laughing at her friend.

"Maggie," Lucy exclaimed, letting out a huff, "that is the point. It doesn't matter what you are as long as it's sexy. And anyway, the cat one has cat ears and the bride one has a veil."

Maggie just sighed and picked at the green paper mache diamond that sat on the bed infront of her.

"I can't believe you're going as a sim character, it's so cliche. Can I at least choose your outfit?" Lucy asked, trying her best at a puppy dog face.

"Fine, but nothing that is higher than the slut line," Maggie answered. She pointed at the line on her tights on the upper thigh, in school it was the slut line. If you can see the line, you're a slut.

"Ahhhhhhhh," Lucy shrieked, pointing into her wardrobe.

Maggie lept up, ready to defend her friend incase there was a murderer inside.

"I found the perfect dress," Lucy continued, pulling it out her wardrobe.

"Lucy! Why did you shriek like that, I thought it was a murderer or something." Maggie exclaimed, then she saw the dress, "wow... That is a pretty Amazing dress."

It was black and sleeveless, it was tight at the top until just below the ribs where it fell in loose ruffles. It wasn't poofs or that weird shiny black material. It was a great dress.

"Come on Maggie, put it on." Lucy said, throwing the dress at her.

Maggie went into the bathroom and tried it on, it was amazing. When she stepped out Lucy was speechless, "Right, makeup." She said, getting over the dress.


Jason and Tom were in Jason's car driving to Lucys house, Jason was dressed as the lone ranger and Tom was dressed as superman. They got to Lucy's house at ten past, knowing they would have had to wait anyway.

Lucys parents were out so when they knocked on the door they had to wait till the girls answered. They were stood outside a full five minutes before Lucy answered.

"You guys do know the door was on the latch, you could have come in any time," Lucy said laughing at them.

Jason and Tom looked at eachother and laughed. "So are you two ready?" Jason asked, looking around for Maggie.

"yeah, me and Maggie are in the middle of a debate about if she should wear converse or heels," Lucy answered, running back upstairs.

Jason and Tom could hear them arguing upstairs.

"I don't care if you are already wearing your converse, put these heels on!" Lucy shouted.

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