14. The Truth

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# Jason's P.O.V #

I saw Maggie walking up to me with a frown on her face. I turned to Mitchell and the guys and told the I'd see them later.

Maggie reached us and dragged me aside, "why didn't you tell me?" she asked.

"I thought you would be angry." I told her, looking for a response on her face.

"Why would I be angry? I'm just confused that you didn't want to tell me that you aren't actually in a gang. I had to find out from Lucy!" she told me, I was confused now. I expected her to be angry for lying to everyone for so long about something like that.

"So this doesn't change your view of me?" I asked her.

"No, of course not. I am annoyed you lied but you probably had your reasons. If anything I think better of you now, I just wish you had told me. We have been friends for almost two months now." She honestly told me.

"I'm sorry," I told her then looked around, making sure no one was there. "I didn't tell you, or anyone else, because it was my way to get out of school during the day to go see May at the hospital without anyone knowing about her. Thinking back on it I probably could have chosen a better cover." I laughed.

She smiled slightly, she looks so cute when she does that.

"ok," she told me, "I understand, may is so sweet and I would probably do something like that for my sister. Probably not a gang though." She laughed.

"Right, shall we get to lessons?" I asked her.

"sure!" she said, skipping down the hall. I took this chance to actually look at her. I have to admit she has been getting more confident the longer I have known her. At first she would just wear jeans and a hoddie, but today she was wearing some red skinny jeans, navy converse and a navy blue band tee.

She looked at me with a mock offended expression on her face, "were you just checking me out!" she asked, putting a hand over her mouth in mock horror. I blushed slightly and she laughed, "Come on, let's go. Mr. Gangster."

I laughed and followed her.


"So, you and Maggie then?" Mitchell asked me while trying to wink.

"Mitchell, you do realise you look like someone sprayed pepper spray in your eye. And me and Maggie are just friends." I told him.

We were sitting outside under a tree because the sun was out, I had told them that I told Maggie about us Nit being in a gang. They were happy but now they seemed to think me and Maggie were a couple or something. Which we are not.

"Come on mate," Ryan said, "we all know you like her. And you meet up with her like every weekend."

"it's not every weekend," I said, stressing the word every.

"really," Jack asked sarcastically, "So. When was the last time you met up with her?"

"yesterday morning when I drove her to school." I mumbled looking down. Do I like Maggie? We do meet up a lot and she is really nice to talk to.

The guys laughed and gave eachother high fives.

"it's fine, we all think she is cool. And that friend Lucy is cool too." Jack told me, "and not to mention, they are both hot."

The guys laughed again and when I glared at Jack they started chanting 'jason likes Maggie, Jason likes Maggie'.

I was getting annoyed niw, and people were starting to notice, "oh fuck you guys." I told them, getting up to leave.

"Hey Jason wait, we can stop." Mitchell said, pulling me back down to the floor.

"Fine, I'll stay. Just stop acting like primary school children." I said, Glaring at each of them in turn.

"oh look, speak of the devil." Jack said, looking over my shoulder.

I stood up and turned around, expecting to see Maggie. Instead I saw Stacy (from chapter 2).

I slumped back down to the ground and tried to prepare myself for her screechy voice.

"Hey boys," she called over. Nope, haven't prepared myself enough I thought as I cringed.

I turned around and tried to smile, "Hey Stacy," I said, then noticed the girls behind her, "oh Yay, you brought all the girls too." I said sarcastically and the guys laughed.

"it's fine Jason, we're not here for you. Wouldn't want to hurt your precious Maggie's feelings would we? I'm here for Tom." She told us. We all looked over at Tom, he was the quiet one from our group so we were all wondering why she wanted him.

Apparently he was wondering too as he asked her, "why?"

"for our lunch date of course. " She told him, smirking at the rest of us.

"we don't have a lunch date." He told her, a confused look on her face.

"Come on, we have a lunch date." She glared at him, leaving no room for debate.

He reluctantly got up, "See you guys in a bit," He said.

"No you won't, we have all lunch together." She glared at him.

When they had gone we all looked round at eachother, "What crawled up her pants and died?" Ryan asked, laughing.

"I don't know," I said, "but I feel bad for Tom."

"someone needs to teach her not to be so bitch and spoilt, do you know how rich her parents are? Her mum is a fashion designer and her dad is some guy in the oil business. She will never stop being spoilt." Mitchell said.

"How do you know so much about her?" I asked, a smirk on my face.

"Okay, so we may have 'dated' a while back" He laughed, "but someone seriously needs to teach her her place."


Halloween tomorrow! If you want (and comment fast) I can do a bonus Halloween chapter and post it tomorrow?

I know this is a filler chapter but I wanted you guys to get to know Jason's friends more, they haven't been in it much recently.

The secret probably isn't what you expected, it was kind of obvious. But I needed to put it in but didn't want the secret to be too complicating.

Hope you liked it, Vote? Comment? Share?

Question: is bitch a swear word in America? It is in the UK but they never beep out the word bitch in US shows.

Song of the update: Better With You - Bob Bradley

Followers, (will add asap)

- Just_Another_Girl_xx

I just edited all the chapters so they are at least 1000 words, it isn't vital to the plot but I suggest you go back and re-read them. Especially part 7.

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