7. Questions

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# Daniel's P.O.V # (ikr - unexpected)

I woke up to the harsh sunlight shining through my blinds. I sat up and looked around my room: my pictures were still on the wall, my desk was still covered in stuff, my wardrobe was still open and my clothes still flung around everywhere.

Why did I feel different this morning. I walked over to the shower yawning. Got undressed and climbed in. I tried to think about what had changed but I was still was too tired. I'm not a morning person.

I got out the shower and got dressed, I laughed when I remembered that shower in French is douche. After I was dressed I went to get my hair gel from my school bag, I took it with me incase I had a major hair disaster.

Wait, school. Friends. Girlfriend. Maggie! That was it, she is why I feel different. I shouldn't have made her go out with me, that was unfair.

I sent her a text saying 'we need to talk.'
As I styled my hair I started to think, I know I have been horrible to her. I know I shouldn't have blackmailed her. I just couldn't think of any other way to ask her out, she wouldn't have said yes if I straight up asked her.

I sighed and put it to the back of my mind, I still had to go help my mum get ready.

I walked into her room and saw she was lying awake on her bed, I smiled and walked over to her.

"Hello dear, how are you?" she asked me, then started coughing. I handed her her water.

"I'm fine, just stressed with school, the usual." I told her, not wanting her to worry. "ok mum, I'm going to put you in your chair now."

I gently reached down and picked up her small frame, I carried her across the room and put her in her wheel chair.

"Thank you," she said. Then a sparkle appeared in her eye, "So when am I going to meet that girlfriend of yours? You have been telling me so much about her. Maggie, was it?"

I sighed, "Yes it is Maggie, but I don't think she will be able to come and see you. I'm sorry mum."

Her face fell but she looked up at me and smiled, "as long as you're both happy."

I looked away, I know Maggie wasn't happy. I hope she is in today so we can talk.

I put on a smile and looked back at my mum, it was horrible seeing her like this. She can barely do anything for herself, but we can't afford a nurse to come in and look after her. My dad works night shifts just to pay the hospital bills, so I look after her in the mornings.

I left her to put her clothes on and went into the kitchen to start making breakfast for the both of us, waffles. She loved my waffled because I added maple syrup to the recipe to make them sweeter.

Ten minutes later the waffles were done and my mum was making her way to the kitchen. When my mum got sick we had to sell the old house and move to a bungalow to make it easier for her.

We ate the waffles in silence and I took her through to the living room with a book and a cup of tea.

"ok mum, I'm going to school now," I told her. "do you need anything?" I asked.

She shook her head and wished me a good day at school.

As I was driving to school I started worrying about Maggie again. Where is she? She wasn't in all of last week and she isn't answering my texts, even the one I sent her this morning. Was I too mean earlier?

I did blackmail her but that's only because I'm too stupid to actually ask her out. I have liked her for a while now but for some reason whenever I go to talk to her I just tease her. They say there is a thin line between love and hate, I need Maggie to know this.

I walked through the school gates, ignoring my friends I walked straight to my first lesson. Ughh, the annoying girl from yesterday is still there - Rosie? I think that's her name.

"Hey," she drawled - a sultry look on her face. Why can't she go annoy someone else. I mean I know I'm the best looking guy here but still.

I just ignored her and focused on the teacher. She gave me a confused and somewhat proud look, no idea why.

I bed into Mitch on the way out, "Hey Mitch, whats with this Rosie chick bugging me all the time?" I asked him.

He smirked at me, "What? She isn't your type, she looks so easy though."

"I guess, but I already have a girl. Maggie - remember?"

He laughed, "you actually like her?" he laughed again. "wait, your serious?"

"yeah, what's wrong with her?" I replied angrily, ready to defend her if I needed to.

he looked confused, "nothing... Look I have to go, I have... I have to look some stuff over."

"whatever, hey catch you later man." I shouted and walked towards the exit. I need to go see if Maggie is okay.


"Hey, Mrs. Dawson. Is Maggie here?" I asked.

"Daniel. I haven't seen you in years. No she isn't here, she's at school. Like you should be." She said giving me a stern look.

I didn't want to get her in trouble so o decided to leave, "Okay, sorry for disturbing you. I must have just missed her."

"goodbye Daniel, stay in school." She said, shutting the door.

What is up with Maggie, she's not in school. Why does her mum think she is? Was her mum lying?

I must have been standing at the door for a while because Maggie mum appeared and shooed me away.

What is going on?


Sorry if this made you guys feel confuzled. I don't want this to be a cliché book where she falls in love with the first guy she meets (even though I know you guys love those stories ;3).

As the story goes on I need your opinion on who you think is better for her. I don't have a pre-writtem plan for this story so you guys can have your ideas included.

Song of the update: Sunshine - Teddybears

Question of the update: Has your view of Daniel changed?

Congratulations Ladd_Zoe for finding the Sherlock reference ;)

Love, comment, share? :3

- Just_Another_Girl_xx

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