8. Family

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# Maggie's P.O.V #

Why isn't this plan working! It's so annoying. Mitchell told me that Daniel actually likes me, but how can that be true. He has been insulting and annoying me since we first met.

He obviously isn't going to fall for Rosie so I don't know what to do. I could make him dump Maggie (well me) but then he would tell everyone my secret. I would much rather be mocked than everyone insulting me.

I got home from school.

"Hey mum, where are you?" I called to the strangely quiet house. It was usually full of the sounds of my mum cooking, or arguing with my dad.

"Honey, we need to talk." She told me, leading me to the kitchen, "Daniel came over earlier and asked why you weren't in school. Care to explain?"

I paused, I could tell her but she and Daniels mum were great friends and that could make it awkward between them. "Well," I said, "I told Lucy I wasn't feeling well so she offered to drive me to Starbucks and I said yes. It was my fault, I just needed a break from all the schoolwork - you know the exams are coming up."

My mum looked at me and sighed, "ok honey, but next time go there after school."

I nodded and headed up to my room.

I put my homework on my desk and opened up Google. Homework or YouTube? I asked myself. I know I will watch ONE video then do homework.

"Dinner" a voice called from downstairs. Oh no, how long was I on YouTube? Damn you and your annoyingly addictive videos.

I went downstairs and sat at the table with my mum. She make us wait a few minutes for my dad but it was obvious he wasn't showing up. I sighed and picked at my food, microwave pizza... again.

I coughed to get her attention and asked, "So how was work?"

She muttered something absent mindedly. I feel sorry for her, my dad has been working late for weeks now and I know she is worried about him. She thinks he is having an affair or something.

I wouldn't put it past him, he was a great dad when I was younger but then he lost his job and my mum had to work longer hours. He got a new job but they hardly see eachother anymore.

I finished quickly and decided to go for a walk around town. I stopped at the park and looked at my phone. I didn't have many contacts and looked at the two familiar names next to eachother Jason and Lucy.

I haven't known Jason for long but I get the feeling he has been through some stuff like me too. Then there is Lucy, we have been best friends forever. We went through everything together: primary school, losing teeth, friends and family. That is until she moved away. I never knew why she did, she said it was family... I don't know.

I stared at the contacts again. Then I scrolled down to a contact I haven't seen in ages, I pressed call.

There was ringing then the other side picked up, "Hello?"


I did want to make this longer because I know my chapters have been terrible but I needed you guys to have a background on her life and a built up to the next chapter. (1000+ words, I promise)

Song of the update: I Bet My Life - Imagine Dragons

I didn't want to do this but it is vital to the story. I won't be updating until I get replied on these questions:

1. What do you guys think of Daniel?

2. What should I change the title of this book to? Or should I leave it the same?

3. How long do you want this book to be? (how many parts?)

- Just_Another_Girl_xx

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