6. The Weekend

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# Jason's P.O.V #

"Hey Mitch, where are you?" I asked him. I was sitting alone in the cafe on the corner of my road. I had ordered a coffee and been waiting for about half an hour. He told me to come here and he would meet me so we could go to the movies, Mission Impossible just came out!

"Trust me, you'll thank me for this later." He replied then hung up. What does he mean? Why would I thank him for leaving me in a coffee shop?

"God, I hate my friends," I muttered to myself, taking another sip of my drink. It was a cappuccino with caramel syrup.

Someone next to me laughed, "are you okay?" they asked.

"Yeah I'm fine..." I turned to face her, "oh hey Maggie."

"Hey Jason, what did your friends do?" she asked.

"They were meant to meet me here ages ago and when I phoned they said they weren't even going to bother coming." I replied angrily, still annoyed he had ditched me.

"Oh, Lucy did that to me. She said 'you will thank me for this later' what could that mean?" she told me. Weird... That's what Mitchell told me.

"That's weird, Mitchell told me the same thing... Oh well, so how are you?" I asked, I had half my coffee left so I figured I may as well talk to her until I was finished. It would be weird to not talk and I didn't want to leave my coffee, it's so good.

"I'm pretty good," she sighed, "just stressed out and angry."

"How come?" I asked, then remembered what happened at my house, "is it Daniel?"

"Yeah, he's just so annoying. That's why I haven't been in school all week." She told me. If he's that annoying why doesn't she just break up with him?

"Why are you guys dating anyway? I thought you were like arch enemies." I asked, it had been bugging me all week and I wanted to know. Daniel did say he would do something to Maggie, could this be what he meant?

"It's complicated... " She replied, taking a sip of her drink.

I decided not to pry. We sat in an awkward silence, drinking our drinks.

"So, hows everything with you?" she asked, breaking the silence. I thought for a second and sighed.

"Well... it's complicated," I replied and laughed.

I didn't feel ready to tell her about my sister and everything. And I think she is keeping something from me.

I looked at my watch, 10:45. I have to go. Damn it, I have to leave my coffee.

"Hey, umm, I have to go but I'll give you my number. Call me if you ever want to talk," I gave her my number and ran to the hospital.

"I'm here to see May Stevens," I told the receptionist, smiling as much as seemed appropriate for a hospital. I was so excited!

"She's in room 221B, are you family?" she asked, a pitying look on her face.

"I'm her brother." I replied and got in the lift. I ran to her room and opened the door. She was in a shared room because it was cheaper, but annoyingly it also meant that I had to be quiet when I went to see her.

"Hey May," I whispered, walking over to her bed. She was asleep so I gently shook her awake. She rolled towards me and looked up, when she saw me her brown eyes filled with happiness.

"Jason!" she yelled, leaping out of bed and hugging me, "is it true that I get to go home today?"

"Maybe! We need to get the doctor to look at you though." I told her, trying to get her to calm down. The girl in the bed next to her was sleeping and I dint want may to wake her up.

Before I could stop her she went to the edge of her bed and began frantically pressing the button which calls the nurses. Under the button it said 'Emergency use only'. Oops.

The nurses came rushing in, looking around frantically.

"May, I have told you before. Only press it in emergencies," one of then frowned at her but I could see she was just joking.

"But Steph it is! Im going home today!" she squealed happily.

The nurse, Steph, looked at me, "it's true," I said, "we just need the doctor to check if she is okay."

"I'll go get him, he probably didn't expect you this early." She told me while walking off, she gave May a smile before she dissappeared round the corner.

A few minutes later the door opened and a doctor walked in, "I'm sorry I wasn't here when you got in, I didn't expect you this early." He told me.

"It's fine, where is Dr. James?" I asked. Doctor James has been May's doctor since she was diagnosed and I figured he would be here to see her off.

"He called in sick today, sorry. But he was devastated that he couldn't see you." The doctor told me, "I'm Dr. Martin by the way, I'm a paediatrician so I have done this many times before, there is nothing to worry about."

"Ok, thanks. So will May be able to go home?" I asked.

"Well..." He said as both me and May leaned forward waiting for an answer, "her chart says she is fine but she will need to stay at home for a few days to get used to being out of the hospital."

I sat in silence, then the shock kicked in. "Wait... you mean... she can come home!"



Sorry it is short and unedited. Did anyone get the Sherlock reference in here, I will dedicate this part to whoever finds it first.

Song of the Update: Oh My Love - The Score

Please vote, comment and share :) this book is entered into the wattys 2015.

Question of the update: It's finally summer holidays, where are you guys going? I'm going to Italy and Tenerife.

- Just _Another_Girl_xx

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