16. End

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I stopped Jason just before we reached the door and turned to him.

"Are you going to then?" I asked, smiling at the confused look across his face.

He stared at me for a second, trying to work out if he was missing something, "what?" he asked.

I smiled at him and pulled him through the door, "doesn't matter."

"what took you guys so long?" Lucy asked me, a knowing smirk on her face.

"Nothing, just took a while to walk from where we were." I told her, trying not to groan at my pitiful excuse. She just smiled and left.


We all went back to Jason house after laser quest and decided to watch a film, about halfway through Jason turned to me.

"What was that about at laser quest?" he whispered to me confused.

I smiled at his cute face, he looks adorable when he was confused.

"I was wondering if you were going to kiss me," I told him, surprised at by boldness.

He looked shocked, "I thought you wouldn't want me to."

Instead of answering I leaned up and kissed him. When I pulled away he stared at me, shocked. I looked around the room and realised everyone else was staring at us too.

Michael smirked and looked at Jason, "So Jace, you need the girl to make the first move then." he laughed.

"What do you mean?" Jason asked, going a cute red colour.

"Come on mate, you have liked her for weeks we can all tell." he smiled, "I'm glad she did make a move though, it was getting a bit tiring."

I realised Jason had never actually said how he felt about the kiss, "you don't mind that I kissed you right?" I asked him, suddenly nervous.

He looked down at me and kissed my nose, "of course not." he said, then got dramatically down on one knee, "Maggie, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" he asked, a smile on his lips.

I grabbed his hand, pulling him up, "I would love to Jason"

"Awhh" I could hear the others squeal excitedly, so I flipped them the bird behind Jason back.

I ignored the others and looked up at Jason, our foreheads touching, "I love you, Jason Stevens."

"I love you too Maggie Dawson."

That's it, after about two years of an awful update system I bring you the end. I can finally add the completed tag to my story! I know it's short but I don't want to keep you guys waiting another three years, which tbh it would probably take to finish the book.

I hope you enjoyed it and thank you so much for being so dedicated and sticking with me.

If I ever write another book I will pre-write it so we don't go through the same mess as with this one.

My last song and questions of the update:

Song: Stolen Dance - Milky Chamce

Question: How would you have ended this book?

Till Next Time

- Just_Another_Girl_xx

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