1. Meetings

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# Maggie's P.O.V #

"Hey Maggie, I lost my phone number can I have yours?" Troye shouted over to me from the football field. It's Saturday and I'm walking to the shops to get dinner for me and my brother, casually minding my business because I have a massive hangover from last night and I don't want to be disturbed.

I keep walking, ignoring the catcalls from all his friends. They have a game going on about who will be the first to sleep with me, which is kind of funny really as I have slept with over half of them. I get good grades in school so I have been classed as a 'nerd' and a 'virgin' one of which I'm not.

Entering the shop through the automatic doors I head straight for the microwave food isle, avoiding all bright light and loud noise. Hearing someone cackle behind me I held my head to make the throbbing go away and shivered because I knew who it was, Tracy.

"Hey nerd you are going to get fat if you eat like that." She shrieked while looking over to her friends.

"Oh wait, you already are." One of them added, looking me up and down.

"Tracy, make Julie stop checking me out." I whined, and then walked off. Flipping them the bird as I went.

"Do you have a licence to fly that bird?" a cocky voice from behind me asked, I turned to see a boy in a leather jacket smirking at me.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" he looked shocked but quickly covered it up.

"Umm, we got together last night..."

"Did we, sorry I was totally shit_faced last night and can't remember anything. Can you tell me what exactly I did?" I was totally off my head last night and hoped I didn't do anything too bad.

"Well other than the fact that we slept together, you downed seven shots whilst challenging someone and let people take body shots off you." He replied smirking at me, though still looking a bit confused, "you really don't remember me?"

"Sorry babe." I cooed whilst patting his cheek, "I gotta rush, there's another party tonight." I slip on the shades that are in my bag, grab two microwave pizzas and head to the till. Leaving him standing there with his mouth open like a goldfish. Should I have remembered him?

# Jason's P.O.V #

I heard there was a party last night, and according to Mitchell there was one really fit bird who was letting people take body shots off her, I didn't go. Obviously. I have never had sex and whenever I go to parties girls throw themselves at me. I don't see the point. I want my first to be with someone special. That sounds so stupid...

I always use the excuse that I have gang stuff to deal with. I'm not in a gang. Only my friends know that, I just don't like parties.

Not having sex yet does not mean I'm gay, or a total pussy_ I just don't see the point if you are never going to see that person again - either that or they get really clingy. I decided to phone Mitchell to see how it went.

Ring ring ring

"Hey bro, how was the 'gang stuff' last night"

"It was great, I just went and to see my little sis, it's her birthday today."

I have a younger sister - May - who is in a children's hospital: she has tuberculosis, and my mum died in childbirth so can't look after her.

"You ok mate, how is she?"

"She is fine; the doctors want to keep her for a few weeks in case she develops any complications, then she is home free!"

"That is great, how about I take you to a party to celebrate?"

The Bad Boy is a Virgin and the Good Girl is a Player?!Where stories live. Discover now