5. The Plan

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# Maggie's P.O.V #

It was Monday morning.

Lucy had left me a list of instruction on how to get ready. I started by dying my hair black with a wash in wash out dye. Next I got my green contact lenses from last Halloween and put them in, I know, I'm cheap. Then I put on some of Lucy's clothes, I needed short clothes to wear and I didn't own any.

Probably not as elaborate as I hoped but it worked. This wasn't one of those books where the girl could afford to buy a wig, contact lenses and clothes. Realistic wigs cost like £200. So I'm perfectly fine sticking to the hair dye and Halloween contacts.

The plan had worked perfectly, Daniel got really over protective of me and now no one is allowed near me, well Maggie.

I am enrolling in school as a new student. It's my job to force Daniel to break up with me - Maggie - as well as breaking his heart.

I stepped out of my car and walked to the front steps. Pretending I didn't know where the office was I got some guy to take me. I could hear whistles behind me as I walked up the steps.

I got into the office and put on my nicest voice, it seemed to surprise the lady as she took in my appearance. "Please could I have my schedule, I'm new. My name is Rosie Newman."

The lady at the desk smiled kindly and passed it to me.

"Hey, can I see your schedule?" I heard a voice next to me. IT'S MY INNER DEMON! Joking, it's the boy I kind of forgot about who took me to the office.

"oh... Sure." I replied, handing him my schedule.

He looked at it, happily. "we have four classes together! Want me to walk you to them?"

He seems nice, and he is looking at my face even though I'm wearing revealing clothes. But I still looked at him scheptically.

"I promise not to take you to any alleyways," He joked, seeing the look on my face he added, "I'm gay anyway."

I looked shocked, "then why did you offer to show me around?" I asked.

"I didn't trust any of them with you." I laughed but he gave me a serious look cutting it off.

We were silent for a second before he said, "we still have a while till first lesson starts. Want to go get breakfast?" He asked.

"sure," I said smiling. Until I saw who was up ahead, Ryan. "I'm sorry, I have to go. See you in first lesson."

I walked over to Ryan, "Hey, hows it going?" I asked.

"it's fine so far, but he doesn't seem to be here." He told me. I scanned the hallways looking for Daniels face.

I didn't see it, "who am I going with?" I asked.

"probably me or Tom." He told me, "What day do you want to do it?"

"The 22nd, that gives me four weeks to win him over."

The bell rang so Ryan just wished me good luck before I headed to my next class.

I walked through the door and headed straight for Daniel, he was facing the wall and didn't look up when I sat down.

"Hey Maggie, how are you babe?" He asked. The fact he called me babe made me Want to punch him.

"I don't know who this Maggie chick is, I'm Rosie." I told him, sliding into the chair next to him.

He finally looked up, "sorry. That seat is taken."

"I'm sure Maggie won't mind if it's for one day."

The teacher came in and told no one to move, so I didn't. Much to Daniels annoyance.

"So who is Maggie anyway?" I asked, curious about what he would say.

"she's my girlfriend," He replied smirking.

"oh... That's cool..." I tried to sound downhearted by I was itching to punch him in the face. How dare he call me his girlfriend.

I shuffled my chair closer and leaned towards him, "So how long have you two been dating?" I asked, a sultry smile on my face.

I could tell he was getting annoyed and scared, he was popular but didn't have girls throwing themselves at him very often.

He just looked at me and despite my hardest attempts he wouldn't answer me, this is going to be harder than I thought...

# Jason's P.O.V #

I strolled into school late, I had to take my sister to the hospital, and everyone else whispering.

"new girl..."


"Who about Maggie..."

I saw my friends up ahead and asked them what was going on, "Hey, who is this new girl I've been hearing so much about?"

"not sure, she is really fit though," Ryan said, smirking at the rest of them.

"ok, well I'll see you guys later. I'm off to art now." I told them as I walked down the hall.

I got into the class and sat down at a table near the back, I was behind a girl who was drawing two people holding hands as they looked over the sea. It was beautiful but when the teacher told us to start she just ripped it up and started drawing something else.

I wonder who she is...

I stopped looking at her and went back to my own peice. I think I will draw me and my sister so she can put it up in her room.

After art I went to lunch and the guys were all talking about the new girl, they haven't seen me yet so I decided to listen.

"who wants to go with her then?" Ryan asked.

"Please let it be me," Jack said.

Everyone laughed, he was the kind of guy that sleeps around.

"I think it should be me or Ryan. She knows us most, we met up with her over the weekend," Mitchell said. Ryan looked smugly at Tom and Jack.

I decided to walk over, "Hey guys," I said.

"Hey Jason, want to meet up this weekend?" Mitchell asked me.

"sure," I told him, "doing what?"

"wait and see..."


I'm putting this story in the wattys!  Please vote and share :)

Quick update guys! I was locked out in the boiling sun as I wrote this :(

This confused some people, Rosie is not a character. Rosie is Maggie.

Song of the update: Next To Me - Otto Knows

Question of the update: How can I improve my story? It would be great if you could tell me.

The same as the last part, first vote and comment (not saying update) will have this part dedicated to them.

~ Just_Another_Girl_xx

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