11. Choices

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"Hey Daniel," I yelled at him. He turned around and when he saw me he had a hopeful smile on his face.

"Hey Maggie."

"Umm Daniel... Are we still dating?" I asked, worried about the answer.

"No, I figured you would like it if we weren't." He said, "but maybe I could take you on a date to make up for it?"

I looked shocked, "...

# Maggie's P.O.V #

"No, I'm sorry Daniel. I can't just forgive what you have done." I answered, waiting for his reaction.

"Okay Maggie, I will try to make you forgive me. I know I can't undo what I have done though, I will respect your choice." He replied, looking sad.

I didn't reply to that, I just walked away.

I saw Lucy standing by the gates, we said hello. It feels like it has been so long since we last saw eachother, I asked her if she wanted to meet up afterschool tomorrow and we agreed to go to mine. That way she can see my parents again.

Ring... Ring... Ring...

I looked at the caller ID on my phone, Jason? Why is he calling me? We finished our science project.

I answered, "Hello?"

"Hey Maggie, I know our science project is over and all but May really wanted to see you. Do you want to meet up this weekend?"

"Yeah, that sounds great. Could I bring my sister?" I asked, I wanted to see her this weekend and I figured she may as well meet my friends.

"you have a sister?" He asked.

"yeah, it's a long story." I told him

"do you want to meet up now and talk?" He asked.

I thought for a second, it may be good to to get some stuff off my chest. And I do want to go and talk after the whole Daniel thing.

"Yeah sure, meet me at the coffee shop in an hour?" I asked.

"ok, see you then," He replied then hung up.


(45 minutes later)

I decided to arrive early and phone my sister to see if she was free this weekend.

"Hey Diane, are you free this weekend?" I asked.

"I will have to ask. why? Are you going to come and visit?" she asked, I could hear her excitement through the phone.

"No," I said excitedly, "it's even better!"

There was silence, then a gasp from down the line, "you mean... I get to visit you?" she asked.

She has never visited me before, she has been too young but now she is old enough she can come and visit.

"Yes!" I answered her question, "and you can stay all weekend if you want, it doesn't just need to be a day trip."

"Yay! I will go and ask right now if I am allowed, I probably will be because I have been so good recently. I have never visited before so what if they don't let me? What is they think I have been behaving badly, I didn't mean to trap that person in the fridge, they were just so annoying
..." She rambled on. Wait, who did she trap in a fridge?

"Diane " I said, using me stern parent voice. "who did you trap in the fridge?"

"Umm... Well... Got to go, someones calling me." She replied.

She then moved away from the speaker and shouted her name, pretending someone was calling her.

"Don't worry," I said, "I have all weekend."

She laughed and hung up, I checked my watch. Jason should be here in five minutes.

I may as well order myself a coffee now, I have been sitting for a while. I thought, noticing a sign saying 'tables for paying customers only'.

I sat back down and noticed someone was already at my table.

# Jason's P.O.V #

I noticed Maggie buying coffee so I decided to head over to a table, I saw her bag already at one and sat down.

"Hey Jason," Maggie said, handing me a coffee.

I took it thankfully and looked at her concerned, "you said you needed to talk, is everything okay?" I asked.

"yeah, lots has happened these last few weeks. I just need to tell someone. You seem like the best person because you were there with Daniel and all." She told me, looking nervous and like she was having g second thoughts bout meeting me.

I acted friendly and tried to reassure her that I was only here to help, "yeah, I have noticed you acting different lately, we weren't really friends before but I still noticed." I told her then gestured, asking her to carry on with her story.

"Well..." She began, "Daniel found out a secret of mine, I don't know how and I'm not ready to tell anyone the secret yet. Anyway, so when you went downstairs he decided he could use my secret to blackmail me into dating him. I agreed because I didn't want everyone to know. Then I told Lucy and she introduced me to some guys who said they could help me get revenge."

Could she be talking about Mitchell, Ryan, Jack and Tom? They like getting revenge and it would make sense because they have been acting more distant lately. I thought to myself.

"They decided I should make him break up with me so he could date a different girl, then break his heart. So I dressed up as a new girl, Rosie, in the hopes of making him fall for me." She said.

This is why the guys were acting weird when I asked about her.

"But it didn't work. One of the guys, Mitchell, decided to confront Daniel and it turns out that he actually likes me. But now I don't know what to do because he blackmailed me." She finished, looking at me.

"wow," I said then laughed, "and I thought I had a busy few weeks. But how is this about your sister, I thought you were an of child?" I asked her, hoping to find out the truth.

"I thought I was an only child too until three years ago. It turns out I'm adopted, when I tried to get in contact with my parents I found out they had died - but I have a sister." She told me, looking relieved she had got this into the open.

"How come you decided to tell me this? it has to be more than just the fact I was there with Daniel." I asked.

"Well, I wanted our sisters to be friends, when I am old enough I want to adopt my sister and let her move here, so I want her to have a friend. That's why I asked if I could bring her this weekend." She to me.

May is going to be so happy, she loves Maggie and now Maggie is bringing her sister it's even better.


Sorry it took so long to update. Thank you everyone who is still reading.

Thanks all my new followers: zebra2pink, MylesDeocarezaloves, KearraMinnie, tatemawillison, mellyzg, mirodriguez0117, Madisonscott170, babeiscute, maddiewilson12 and Squeeky12.

Hope you guys like the story, I know it has been confusing but when I complete it I will go through and edit it to make sure everything makes sense.

Vote? Comment? Share? Cheers bae.

Question of the update: does anyone else watch 'You, Me and the Apocalypse'?

Song of the update: Best Day of My Life - American Authors

- Just_Another_Girl_xx

P.S - 50k reads! Thank you guys soooooooo much :D

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