4. The Morning After

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# Maggie's P.O.V #

I got to the school gates, Lucy walking next to me, and stopped. Sighing I entered the building and went over to my locker, Lucy anxiously following behind me.

"Maggie are you okay?" she asked. I just shrugged and grabbed the books I needed for the next class.

"Hey babe!" Daniel called over to me. I turned and shot him a seething glare and slammed my locker door.

"Come on, let's go," I grabbed Lucys arm and pulled her away.

"What was that about?" she asked me.

"Tell you at lunch," I told her, walking into class.

Luckily Daniel wasn't in this class so I didn't have to talk to him, but unfortunately he was in my next class. As soon as I walked through the door he patted the seat next to him and called over to me.

Everyone turned and stared as I slowly walked to the seat. I sat down near,t to him and he kissed me on the cheek. Whispers started as soon as this happened, Daniel wasn't a jock or popular but girls still shot me glares.

The teacher was five minutes late now and people were still coming over and asking Daniel questions.

"Why her?"

"I thought you guys hated eachother?"

"Did she sleep with you?"

I tried to get out me earphones but Daniel stopped me. "Hey," I yelled, annoyed. He just looked at me, "Right, I'm leaving."

I went to stand up but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back, "See you at lunch sweetie." He said then kissed me on the cheek. People around me awhed but I just got up and left.

A text must have gone round because five minuted later Lucy appeared by my side, "are you okay hun?" she asked.

"No, I have to go out with him or he will tell everyone my secret." I told her and started crying, "I don't know why I didn't tell everyone before, if he tells everyone it will be so much worse."

"I know, why don't you get revenge. I know just the person to help," she told me and walked away. She got to the end of the hallway and stopped, oh, I was meant to follow.

I got up and followed her putrid to the school carpark. "Lucy, what are we doing here?" I asked her.

"I know someone who is also hiding a secret," she said and motioned for me to follow.

She led me towards a beat up old Mercedes parked near the exit. There were four guys standing round it, they saw us and came over to greet Lucy. Then they noticed me standing next to her.

"who is this?"

"is she okay?"

"Lucy, why is she here?"

They all asked Lucy questions then one of then took a few steps closer to me. "who are you?"

"I'm Maggie, who the hell are you?" we weren't in school and I didn't care about my reputation as it had been pretty much destroyed, so I didn't bother being nice.

They laughed and backed off a little, "Hey. I'm Mitchell," the guy in the middle said. He had blonde hair and green eyes, "this is Jack, Ryan and Tom." He pointed to the three guys next to him. Two of them had black hair and blue eyes, and the other had brown hair and amber eyes.

"So, Lucy told us that you want revenge. Who on and why?" Mitchell asked.

"This boy in most of my lessons, Daniel, he found out something about me and is making me be his girlfriend," I told them honestly. Though I missed out the part about what my secret actually was.

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