12. The Weekend

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# Jason's P.O.V #

It was the weekend. I had told May that Maggie and her sister were going to come over and now she was running round the house really excited. I tried to calm her down and give her some cookies, but the sugar made her worse. Looking back on it I wish I haven't done that.

She ran over to me and stopped. "When are they going to get here Jason?" she asked me.

I didn't actually know when she was going to get here, I stupidly didn't ask. So I just said, "soon May. Don't worry, she probably is picking up her sister right now."

"Okay Jason. I know! I will bring all my toys down and set them up so they are ready." She told me, sprinting upstairs to her bedroom, I hope she doesn't bring all her toys down. She has way too many.

There was a knock on the door.

I heard May squeal and sprint back downstairs. "Is that them? Is her sister nice? Will she play with me?" she asked me.

"I don't know May, so how about we answer the door and see?" I asked her.

We walked to the door and opened it, Maggie was standing there holding the hand of a little girl. I looked at them they both looked pretty similar: the same reddish brown hair, blue eyes and they even had the same smile.

"Hey Maggie", I said to her. Then I bent down, "and you must be Diane, I'm Jason." I told her and smiled. She smiled back.

I opened the door wider, "Right, come in."

Maggie smiled at me and she and Diane walked in. I closed the door behind them.

May ran over to Diane and said hello, she then dragged Diane upstairs while talking about all her toys. I feel sorry for Diane, she doesn't know what she is getting herself into.

"So Maggie, your sister seems nice," I said, starting up a conversation.

"Yeah, she is. But apparently she locked someone in a fridge and won't tell me who." She laughed and sat down on the sofa. Wow, maybe I was wrong. Maybe may doesn't know what she is getting herself into. Then I had a thought, what is they worked together? It would be hell on earth.

I looked around the room, it was small and the white paint was fading but there were photos of me May and my mum hung up on the walls. The fireplace in the corner had mine and May's school photos on top, I always updated them every year: no matter how bad we looked in them. There were bookcases filled with classic novels - my mum loved them. We have no TV so the sofas were arranged so you could talk to everyone and we had various board games on the table.

Maggie had walked over to one of the photos of my mum, "is this your mum?" she asked.

I sighed and walked over to the photo, it was my mum and me sitting together in the park. I was only five and had icecream all over my face. I smiled, referring how nice it was back then.

"Yeah it is," I replied, " and that was me 13 years ago."

Maggie obviously noticed I was sad so she didn't ask any more questions.

"Shall we go and check on May and Diane?", she asked me, trying to change the conversation.

We walked upstairs and stopped outside the door to May's bedroom, we could hear them talking inside.

"So Diane," May asked, "Jason told me you and Maggie don't live together. Why not? You are sisters."

"She lives with her foster parents but I still live in a home." Diane replied, I noticed Maggies expression change to one of sadness. Why doesn't Maggie just ask her foster parents of Diane can live with them too?

"Why can't you live with them?" May asked, voicing my thought.

Before Diane could answer Maggie covered up her expression with a smile and walked in, "So. What are you guys playing?" she asked.

"We weren't playing anything," May replied, "but now that you and Jason are here we can all play together."

We all had a great day, we played hide and seek, princesses (they made me wear a dress) and we also played board games.

It was 5pm now and me and May were walking Maggie and Diane to the door.

"Bye Jason," Maggie said, "Incase I didn't say before - you look great in a dress." She laughed

Me and May laughed the Maggie said goodbye and they left.

"So May, did you have fun with Diane?" I asked.

"Yeah, umm... How come she doesn't live with Maggie?" she asked me.

I didn't know how to answer this question so I just told May that she probably shouldn't ask.

"Did you know that Diane might go to my school soon. She said that when Maggie turns 18 she will move and go to my school! " May exclaimed while jumping up and down clapping.

"Really? That's great, so do you want Diane to come over again?" I asked her.

She stopped jumping and looked at me with wide eyes, "really? You will ask?"

"Of course I will. But she can't come over next weekend, I'm taking you to the fair." I told her.

"Ok, thanks Jason," she said, running upstairs to her room. Hopefully to tidy up, but I don't think she will.

Beep Beep I have a text? From Daniel?

I opened it and read it, what am I going to do?


What does the text say? Take a guess

Thanks for reading. Sorry I didn't update last week, I got really busy and ill :(

Vote? Comment? Share? Cheers :D

Question of the update: I'm doing my GCSEs this year, is anyone else?

Song of the update: Es Mismo Sol - Alvaro Soler

Thank you all my new Followers: ReadindBabygirl, MashlsTheBestPotatoe, bresha12, savannahslinkard, Zeevah1960, GerardineFiLesTafuna, amaleibrahim0, trtodd2, boobaloopsince02, katy_bloom13 and awezome. :)

- Just_Another_Girl_xx

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